You tell them you're pregnant-Glee

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Finn- You have always known that when you were ready and Finn was ready that he would be a great dad. So when the time came to be ready, you made sure to prepare a speech just in case he doesn't think the same. You walked up to him all high and mighty but when you tapped in his shoulder got very shy. "Hey babe. What's up?" "I''m pregnant." "That's amazing. I'm gonna be a dad." "A great dad."

Puck- He has and will always be a fuck boy. It's as simple as that. Never once in a conversation has he made a sexual joke. When you found out you were pregnant you knew he would turn it in to some sort of sexual pun game. You walked up to him and said,"I'm pregnant." And he smirked. "So next time we go out, I'll have to 'pullout' your chair a little further." "Not if after you 'pullout' you get all 'weak'." "I'll just have to pull a little 'harder." "Touché, Puckerman."

Sam- You knew that Sam had doubts that he could support another human being but you also knew that he had wanted children for so long. When you found out that you were pregnant you were immensely happy. You found Sam and said,"baby, I'm having our baby." "I am not sure if I can take care of a kid yet." "Sammy you will be a great father. This child will love you close to as much as you will love him/her. You think our friends will let us do this on our own: we will be fine. I believe in us."

Artie- He has always been concerned about his nether regions. He is not sure if it all works properly since his accident. When you found out you were pregnant it confirmed the possibility for you. You were scared of how Artie will feel. "Hey Artie. I'm pregnant." "So it works?" "Apparently." "How. If the wires have been cut then how is the machine still running?" "Maybe it's battery powered. We haven't been using the machine enough."

Mike- Whenever you and Mike talk about our future he always decides that he will be a better father then his and you will be a better mother then yours. When you found out you heard his voice telling you that you will be a great mother. So you were confident in telling him. "Micheal, I'm pregnant." "I am so excited. A tiny YN running around the house." "I just have one thing to say." "What's that?" "We are not naming this child Micheal." "Why? It's a family name." "There is way to many Micheal Changs." "Fine."

Rachel- She is very sure of herself all the time. When it comes to her sexual prowess it is the same as always and she is very sure of herself. So when you found out you were pregnant you were sure you were confused. "Hey Rachel. I'm pregnant." "But I love sex." "Well I believe you were the one that said that you would always be very careful in the bedroom. This doesn't seem like very careful." "I might have slipped once."

Tina- She has always been afraid that if your child is different in any way they will be judged. She tried being different and didn't like it. You have tried telling her that standing out makes you unique but she wouldn't take it. When you found out you were pregnant you didn't know how to tell her so you just came out and said it. "I'm pregnant." "This child better be perfect." "Babe, no one is perfect. If anything happens, we will be there for our child but you can't help that. People are cruel. It happens to everyone."

Brittany- She thinks differently. She is smart in her own way. When you found out you were pregnant you tried to figure out a way to explain everything to her. "Brittany, I'm pregnant." "Is that what happened when we rubbed our lady parts together last time?" "We weren't careful." "In okay with this. Can we name our child Skittle? Or Princess Tubington?" "We can talk about it later Britt." "That usually means no."

Santana- She always thought about how much her life confused her. She was a Latina lesbian from one of the worst parts of Ohio. Her family was jacked and that messed her up a little. She vowed that if she had kids she would give them the world if she could. You told her to start off with a globe or a world colored stress ball. When you found out you were pregnant you were stressing out over your ideas of her reaction. "Santana, in pregnant." "YES YES YES YES!!! Best day ever!"

Quinn- She loves children but she also likes adult activities. When you found out you were pregnant you weren't sure how to tell her. You came up with the most sexual idea you could think of. "Hey Quinn. As much as I love you, we can't have sex." "For how long?" "About a year?" "Why?" "Because that is how long it will take for me to be over our baby." "Your pregnant?" "Yes."

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