Aaron Carpenter Medium Imagine

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Your laying on your couch watching movies, eating your life away, because your boyfriend Aaron is away at Magcon in San Fran. Your just about to put on Love Actually (sorry if you don’t like that movie lol), when you phones flashes with the name of your boyfriend. You grab you phone and say

"Hey babe, how’s San Fran?"

"Well, I wouldn’t know. My flight got cancelled, and I’m not going to make it in time for Magcon." He says sounding really upset.

":Aw, Aaron. I know you’re upset, but the fans love you, and they will understand that it’s not your fault."

"I guess, but I’m still really upset. Keep your door open I’ll be over in a half an hour."

Before you can say anything back, he hangs up. Well, since Aaron’s coming over you may as well just set up some snacks, blankets, and movies. You get a bunch of blankets and pillows, and then you set up some popcorn, candy, and chips. Your getting a bunch of movies together when you hear the front door close. Aaron walks into the room, and sees all of the things you set up,

"Hey babe what’s this?"

"Just a little something to cheer you up" You smile, as you walk over to Aaron and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles at you, and leads you two over to the stairs.

"Lets go change into something more comfortable okay?"

Aaron takes a pair of sweats and a T-shirt that he keeps at your house, and you grab a pair of pajama shorts, and one of Aaron’s old shirts. You guys both go back down stairs, and go over to the movies you have picked out.

"Ok, Aaron since your upset, you get to pick the movie!"

"YESSSSS" Aaron says looking at the movies. While Aaron is "thinking", you keep inching Love Actually towards him. He finally catches on, and says, "How about Love Actually?" He says laughing. "YAY!" You scream as you run to the couch. Aaron sets up the movie, and pulls you into his chest. Just a couple of minutes into the movie, you notice Aaron really isn't into it. "Aaron are you sure your okay?" "Ya, I just hate letting the fans down. I love them so much, and just knowing some of us won't be there, at the event that they payed for to see US, is really upsetting to me. What if they get mad, and start to drift away?" He says frowning.

"Aaron like I said, your fans love you and they will understand that none of this is your fault. No true fans will drift away from any of you." You say reaching out to hug him.

Aaron hugs back tightly, then pulls away and says "thank you Y/N for all of this."

"Well that's what I'm here for!" You say jokingly. Aaron laughs, then starts leaning in. Your lips meet, and you share a passionate kiss, as Aaron never takes his eyes off you. Aaron pulls away and says "I love you Y/N"

"I love you too."


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