I was started awake by someone knocking on my door, and calling my name. "Tess, it's time to wake up!" It was Syphess.
"Just give me a sec." I realized that I had fallen asleep in my clothes, because I had none of my clothes from my old group home.
When I open the door, I see that Syph is standing in the hallway with what seems to be the entire house and at least 5 boxes.
Syph explains, "We broke into your old home and grabbed all your stuff. We thought you would want it."
At that, the boys walked into the room carrying the pieces of the dresser we bought yesterday. They started to set it up while us girls worked on emptying the boxes. There were posters to be put up, and books to shelve. Once the boys were done putting together the dresser, we started to unpack. Well, Syph and I were unpacking while Amy and Nici were making fun of my clothes. They pulled out 15 different t-shirts before turning to me and demanding that I go with then on a shopping trip, to which I vehemently disagreed. By the 20th, they were giving me awestruck and horrified looks. I just shrugged and grinned. What can I say? They look good with everything.
'I at least made sure they were kinda cute' butted in Era.
It's true, I know her voice isn't real, but man does she come up with some cute outfits.
"Alright, I'm decided. We are going to the mall first chance we get."
I begrudgingly agree to the trip. We plan it for tomorrow, seeing as today will be just about moving me in. I start to put up some of my posters on the walls, a vintage Labyrinth poster, two different Dr. Who posters, some sports and fantasy anime posters, and some pictures of my favorite band I cut out of different magazines. It was starting to look like home.
Syph and I put up some fairy lights that we bought at Ikea. Everything was starting to come together. I had a black area rug that I put in the center of the room which matched the Vallentuna couch that I got. I also couldn't decide on which pillows I wanted so we ended up buying all of them so I now had a corner dedicated to pillows. It was pretty awesome. I couldn't wait to make some friends and have us be able to chill in the huge pile.
Well, until then, I had my new housemates to chill out with. Speaking of that, with seemingly everyone in the room, Syph, being the mother-friend, decided that we should play a friendly game of Truth or Dare.
She started. "Hey, Amy, truth or dare?"
"Totally dare."
"Ok, I dare you to try on one of Tess's bras."
Amy picks out the one cute bra I own and rips off her shirt and bra, not caring about the boys in the room, and puts my bra on and replaces her shirt.
I shake out of the stupor I was in, and turn my gaze away. It was Amy's turn.
"Hey Zylen, truth or dare?"
"I don't trust you so truth."
"Scared? Fine, are you a virgin?"
"You know the answer to that. Yes, I am. Nate's turn. Truth or dare?"
"You know me, dare!"
"Ok, moonwalk everywhere you go for the rest of the game."
Seeing as how we were still unpacking, it was the perfect dare to keep a fun atmosphere.
Nate then went on to ask Val if he had ever cheated on a test, to which the answer was no. Val then called on me.
"Dare" I replied with trepidation.
"Here's an easy one, brush your teeth in front of everyone here."
"Deal." It was easy enough. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and just started brushing my teeth. When I finished, everyone was laughing for some reason. I must have been making some faces. "Ok, back to Syph, truth or dare?"
"Ok, what is the deepest darkest secret you have?"
"Going straight for the goodies aren't you? Hmm, this is a hard one. I have always wanted to get pierced but am deathly afraid of needles."
"Ok, not bad. Alright, your turn now."
"Nici, truth or-," before Syph can finish, we hear a shout from downstairs.
"Time to eat!"
"Coming!" we all reply before heading out the door.
Lunch was nice, we had macaroni and cheese with some hot dogs on the side. Life was good, so of course it had to end. And of course, it had to end with a prank. When I got up to wash my dishes, there was a trip wire I didn't see. Before Syph was able to warn me, I had already taken a fall and luckily saved the plate from breaking. I look up and glare at the table where everyone is laughing at me.
"Yeah, yeah, yuck it up." I stand, stepping over the trip wire and start to wash my dishes. I need to either learn to watch out for pranks or start pranking them back. A mixture of both would be good.
After lunch is over and everyone has taken care of the dishes, we head back upstairs to continue unpacking. It's just the small little knick knacks now. Things like jewelry and mementos from my other houses. It was nice, being able to tell the stories of some of my past to Syph. She was always attentive and commenting on my stories. It was awesome to have a friend in all this mess. We continued to play truth or dare for about an hour and then everyone was telling me about past missions they had been on.
"So I was sitting there, trying to crack this safe, which you need complete silence for, and Amy is like 'Oh my God! This would look so cute on you!'. Because of that, I missed the click and had to start all over."
I laughed, "That sounds about right. I barely know you Amy, but I can already tell that is something you would do."
"Let me give you something to laugh about cutie!"
Amy tackles me and starts to tickle. I screech with laughter. I can be extremely ticklish at times, and this was one of those times.
"Mercy! Mercy!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. Amy backed off, she herself laughing at my plight. She held out her hand to help me up, which I took gratefully. I dusted myself off and went back over to help Syph with the last of the unpacking. There was only a small box of books left to unpack. We brought it over to the bookcase and started placing the books on the shelves. I had classics like Moby Dick all the way to Harry Potter. I loved reading but would rarely have the money to buy the books I wanted so most of my reading was done in bookstores or libraries.
Once we were finished unpacking, everyone came to chill out either on the bed or in the pile of pillows. We continued to talk about their missions.
"Hey, do you remember the time you blew up your own room?" Amy questioned Nate.
"Yeah, I do. I had to sleep on the couch for an entire week while we worked on my room. I remember that one time you walked down at like two in the morning and started making ramen and you didn't have any makeup on. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen in all my 17 years."
Amy slugged Nate in the shoulder. He winced and rubbed his shoulder in pain.
Everyone in the room laughed at their antics. This went on for hours until it was time to eat. We ate and had fun talking about how unpacking went and just overall having fun. It was almost enough to forget that these children were an elite group who went on missions. It was one of the best group homes I had ever been in. I was happy that I was chosen to join the group.

Sicaria's Home For The Wayward And Lost
Подростковая литератураThis story is about 13 orphans who are all special in some way. They use their specialties to become the best group of assassins the world never knew about. Follow them on their journey towards greatness and happiness.