Chapter 1

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"I thought I'd made it clear we have a no abduction policy."

"She wasn't cooperating. What did you expect me to do?"

"Did you tell her why you wanted her to follow you?"

"No. But you said you wanted her here as soon as possible and that's what I did."

"I didn't mean by kidnapping."

Muffled voices float around me as I slowly open my eyes, only to be greeted by darkness.

'Let me out. You know you want to.'


'Tess, if you don't let me out, you won't get out of this alive.'

'I said no! Now leave me alone!'

Shutting her out, I try to take notice of what I can. I can tell that I am tied to a chair, and that there is a male and a female in the room. I can hear birds chirping nearby. Deciding that it is time to let my captors know that I am awake, I call out to them, hoping my voice doesn't waver. "Um, if you're looking for ransom money, I won't be of much good. I'm an orphan."

I blink violently as the bag is suddenly ripped off of my head. As my eyes start to focus, I look around the room to figure out where I am. I seem to be in a modern basement, and a large one at that. There is a large flat screen TV in the corner with 3 different gaming systems next to it. I can see the sun streaming through windows on the far side of the room. This isn't exactly what I was expecting a kidnappers place to look like.

Having cataloged the room, I look towards where I heard the voices coming from and I see that there are two adults in front of me. The first one is the man who kidnaped me. He looks to be a heavy set muscular man, easily reaching 6 and a half feet. His deep set eyes stare at me, judging me in silence. Suddenly, he grins a stupid grin, reaches his hand into his shaggy hair, then turns guiltily towards the other person in the room. I follow his gaze and am greeted by one of the most beautiful women that I had ever seen. She looked like a Greek goddess and at the same time, like the kind of person you could pass on the street without a second thought. She stood next to the man like an ant before a giant, reaching only to his mid-bicep. Her olive skin seems to glow in contrast to her dark black hair, which had escaped what was at one point a bun, spiraling gracefully around her, framing her warm, honey brown eyes. She looks at me and gives me a sad and apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about the giant stupidius over there. He isn't always the brightest. My name is Sicaria."

"I heard that!" The man cried indignantly.

She spun to face him, eyes flashing. "You were supposed to!"

She turned back around to me, her eyes and voice softening. "He was supposed to ask you nicely if you would be willing to come to our group home here, not throw a sack over your head and knock you out."

"Group home? Well I can honestly say that this has been one of the weirdest transfers in my 15 years. Any chance you could untie me?" I watch as Sicaria walks up to my body, pulling out a knife and cutting the ropes.

"Thank you."

She laughs and walks away from me. "There is no need to thank me. Please, follow me so you can meet your housemates, mel."

As I stand to follow her toward a staircase, I comment "My name isn't Mel, its Tess."

"Oh I knew that Tess, but mel is Latin for honey or dear. Latin is my mother tongue."

"You're kidding me right? Latin is a dead language and has been for years."

She turns to me with a smile, stopping at the top of the staircase in front of a door. "Oh mel, things only die if someone kills them. This is a lesson you will soon learn for yourself."

Before I can ask her what she means, she opens the door and walks out.

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