RR38 Partners

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As Natasha tried to keep to herself and away from HYDRA over in Russia, Darcy was having a hard time with being left behind.

Darcy was getting restless while waiting for Skye's call. Her and Agent Bobbi Morse had gotten a room for the night after leaving Skye to arrange a secret flight for them to Russia. The waiting game was clearly not one of Darcy's favorites but it made it a little more exciting to be with Agent Morse. She had heard about the agent many times and thought she would be the perfect partner for the trip. The woman was full of sarcasm a badassery, and Darcy liked it.

"Relax kid, she's got to do this carefully if she doesn't want to get caught. It's not easy to cover your tracks within S.H.I.E.L.D systems."

Okay so she's clearly winning in this waiting game, Darcy thought. "I know, but Natasha could be in trouble right now and she's got no backup. We need a damn jet ASAP."

Bobbi rolled her eyes at the impatient brunette. "Is there anything you can tell me about what's going on? If I'm going to have your back, I need to know what I'm supposed to look out for."

"Why DO you have my back? Isn't there something else you would rather be doing? I mean... no offence but you did say you were on vacation."

"None taken," the dirty blonde responded with a faraway look. "Anything to be away from Hunter right now is vacation enough for me, and that's all you need to know."

Darcy knew when something was going on so she didn't press any further into the matter. She could sense that the mood had changed and before she could even say anything, Bobbi changed the subject.

"And anyways, how do you expect to help Natasha? I mean you aren't necessarily an agent."

Offended, she shot back with "I've started training and I'm not totally helpless. Plus, Tony gave me a new toy and its totally awesome."

Bobbi had seen the silver thread around Darcy's wrist but didn't really care to press any further. "Look kid, I can go after her and try and bring her back myself; I don't want you to get hurt."

"Excuse me?" She admired the agent, but now she was starting to piss her off. "This is not even your mission."

"Not yours either," Bobbi shot back referring the young girl not being an agent.

"I have been by Natasha's side through some serious shit! I'm not going after her to bring her back, I'm going after her to help her find some answers. And if you don't like it then go, I don't need you here."

Okay, Bobbi fumed to herself, this girl has some spunk but she going to get herself killed. "How the hell do you expect me to know what the fuck is going on! You won't tell me shit. If you go after her, then I'm going too. I won't leave you to get yourself killed. God Darcy just give me something!"

Darcy was pissed. She was supposed to be doing this on her own and was starting to regret letting Bobbi come along. Yeah the agent could be useful with her skills but something had put the woman in a bad mood and Darcy hated when people dumped their frustrations on her.

"I need some air." With that, she waved the agent off and walked from the room into the parking lot. She tried calling Natasha's cell phone again for the hundredth time but it went straight to voicemail.

She stayed out there a while longer watching the sun go down. Darcy always loved watching the sun set. The way the reds and oranges mixed with the dark skies fascinated her. Knowing now that there are other worlds out there, she wondered if their sunsets could compare with hers. Absent mindly toying with her new weapon, she wondered what Natasha was up to. After a while though, her peaceful silence was interrupted by her phone ringing in her back pocket. The caller ID flashed Natasha's name and relief flooded into her body.

"Nat! thank god you called, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Hello Darcy, care to explain what the hell is going on? And kindly tell me why my jet is sitting here at some random airport with Nat's phone sitting in the pilot's seat?" Well this isn't Natasha...

"Um, hello Tony, I can't talk right now. I'm kind of busy with some stuff here at the tower so I'll talk to you when you get back okay?

"Since when did my tower move to a little motel parking lot in the middle of nowhere?" Shit, he pinged her phone and traced her location.

"Tony I'm sorry. Nat has to do something and I'm helping her whether she likes it or not."

"Well since you answered with asking where she was, how is that going for you?" Tony didn't bother waiting for an answer. "We are on our way, stay there Darcy."

Tony hung up and she was filled with dread and even more anger. Looking at the phone in her hand, she slammed it into the pavement, ending its short life. No one would tell her what to do, she wasn't afraid and she wasn't a kid.

"Aww, boyfriend problems?" a husky voice asked aggressively behind her. She turned her head to see some punk with a hand gun pointed at her.

"God, can I catch a break today!" She surprisingly was not afraid, she didn't really feel anything besides anger at the interruption.

She turned the rest of her body before he snuffed back at her. "Not today sweet cheeks, now give me all your money since you killed that nice phone that I wanted."

"Fat chance you creep." She shot her hands out and quickly disarmed him like she was taught. The surprised look on his face made her beam as she skillfully took the gun apart and threw it to the side.

After recovering from the shock, he took up a weak fighting stance. "You should not have done that," he said as he pulled a large knife from his waistband. "Your little self-defense classes won't help you now."

"Ha! Self-defense class. I was trained by Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Steve freakin' Rogers. Self-defense my ass." She then sent a spinning kick into the man but it only made him falter due to his large size, but he did drop the knife. After it clattered to the ground, she went for him again, sending a series of punches and jabs as well as some powerful kicks. He blocked a few but Darcy quickly got the upper hand. She eventually got tired and flicked her wrist, sending a stream of electricity from her fingertips, knocking the man out. Darcy almost felt bad that the fight was over, she still wanted to hit something.

"Well damn, Sparky, maybe you do have some potential." She didn't even have to turn around to the voice before she knew it would be Bobbi. When she did, she glared at the woman before realizing their situation. Not saying anything, she brushed passed her new 'partner' and hurried back to the room.

Leaving the knocked-out dumbass behind, Bobbi too turned on her heels and followed the girl. Once inside and slamming the door, she saw Darcy shoving her things back into her bag. "I heard you slam your phone into the ground and came out to check on you."

Darcy ignored her so she started shoving things back into her own bag as well, assuming that they were leaving. "I went to help when I saw the gun but I saw that you had it under control. And why are we leaving so soon? Did Skye call?"

"No Bobbi, she didn't. Tony found his jet that Natasha had stolen and called me from her phone. I should have known it wouldn't have been her. Anyways, he traced my phone and he's headed this way. We can't be here when he arrives."

"You really care about Natasha, don't you," she said in a soft tone.

Darcy was caught off-guard and stopped her rush. "I really do; she doesn't know it but she saved me and this is the least I could do to try and repay the favor."

Bobbi got it now and softened towards the girl a bit "Come on, I know where we can go."

"How do I know you won't bring me right to him?"

Bobbi winked at the cautious brunette. "You just have to trust me, something I hope you can do soon and tell me why Natasha's own team doesn't know where she went, and why you do."

Darcy groaned but followed, grabbed her stuff and walked out into the night hard on Bobbi's heels. "Lead the way then Barbie."

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