The Meeting

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He shot up and instantly regretted that choice. He went tumbling off the tree he was sleeping in and slowly sat up while rubbing his now aching head. He closed his eyes in hopes that it would numb the throbbing that made him feel like his head was pulsating. He heard rustling and was instantly on guard. His fear was relieved when a little squirrel with its cheeks stuffed with acorns scurried across the ground with a watchful eye on him as he did on it. He breathed out and stood up with trouble. He crouched low and listened to see if he could hear anything out of the ordinary. He heard nothing so he climbed the tree and grabbed his knap sack. He decided it'd be safer to travel by tree instead of on foot. He started on his journey and took off with heavy heart, mind, and soul. He trekked on becoming emotionless for the second time in his life.

BACK IN KONOHA (around the same time)

" YOU DID WHAT!"  a very irate woman yelled.  This irate woman just so happened to be Tsunade Senju the Fifth Hokage also known as Tsunade-hime or Legendary Sucker. She was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair a jewel like thing on her forehead, and brown eyes. Her outfit was a grey shirt with black stripes on the inner part of the shirt with a dark blue obi sash wrapped around her mid section. This was topped off with dark blue pants, a forest green cloak and black sandals. She was a beauty but this beauty was extremely tumultuous. The council shivered before her rage. A 'brave' civilian said " Yea, we banished that pathetic demon. He lived for far too long." The man was then silenced by his head being swiftly chopped off with the Tanto1 of an Anbu with the mask of a neko. Everyone was immediately quiet and wary of the beauty.  A man with long brown hair in a low ponytail, lavender eyes, and formal robe attire spoke out. " Excuse me Hokage-sama but I seem to remember telling them this would anger you and that he was very dear to many of the clans here." He spoke remembering when Naruto had saved his eldest daughter from being bullied. This statement caused the Hokage to let loose a little smile at the fact that he was able to touch the hearts of some before he was banished. She nodded and sighed with contempt. She said " Alright it has been finalized so there is nothing we can do except hope he is well. Since that was all you needed meeting dismissed. " She sighed and everyone got up but the civilians were stopped as Tsunade made quick hand signs that told the Anbu to stop the civilians. She turned and a glare was etched on her face. She said four words that went them into a fearful state. " Take them to Ibiki." In seconds they were all gone with nothing but a puff of smoke to show they were here. She sighed and frowned marring her beautiful face in the process. She looked toward the window and silently wished Naruto good luck.


So sorry but I was busy with school and I kinda forgot people read my stories. So sorry I guess. Well that's all folks.  

A tanto is a short blade it was worn by Samurais but soon was used only for decoration.

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