The Fall

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  As he continued on with his journey to wherever he looked up at the sky and saw an eagle circling him. He saw this as a way someone could find him and ran,  caution thrown to the wind, into the almost never-ending Forest of Negligence. He ran faster and faster, his inhumane amount of stamina coming in handy. He passed by tree after tree and found a trail of sorts. It was darker here than it was about 1,500 feet back. He however didn't notice this and continued with reckless abandon. He however did notice the giant hole infront of him and tried with fruitless tries to slow down.  He tripped and went spiraling into the home that seemed to never end as he fell.

                                                   DRIP    DROP      DRIP     DROP  

  As Naruto sat up he heard the dripping of water. He rubbed his head and stood up albeit shakily at first. He used the walls which he realized were wet and his hand was slipping. He re-adjusted his hand and continued walking. He noticed a dim light and sped up with cautious steps. Within three steps it had gotten so bright he has to use his left hand to shield his eyes which didnt really seem to work as the light only got brighter. This continued for a few more steps until it suddenly went dark. The sudden change made him stumble over a small rock and and fall. His head impacted the ground and he felt searing pain and made a sound of confirmed pain.

" Ouch. why the heck do I keep tripping this is getting annoying. Geez this is going to be a long walk." Naruto said as the throbbing slowly stopped and he continued forward only to run into a wall. He moved his hands around and felt a doorknob and turned it. Only to realize it was locked and groaned as he continued to jiggle the doorknob. This resulted in him falling into a small area with candles and a rather tall man standing over him. The man had short black hair, reddish eyes, long black nails or would they be claws, pointed elf-like ears, and golden horns that stuck out before curving up with a tilted point.

"Well are you going to get up blondie. Or are you just going to stare at me, because I know I'm hot but this is just ridiculous." The black haired male or goat man said with a clearly egotistical smirk on his slightly tan face. This only caused Naruto to grunt and jump up to yell insults at the noticeably taller male until he was silenced with a glare. " You come barging into my home and expect to disrespect me. Listen here blondie this is my territory and you'll behave while here. All though you won't be here for very long." The male said as he closed the door behind Naruto, who had finally walked in.


I am tired but had to finish this at the very least it doesn't have very many words but that is because I just wanted to introduce a new character well slightly any way. The new character is based off of Sadou Maou from Devil Is A Part-Timer. It's a good anime I recommend it. This is what I based him off of. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

 I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading

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