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Alright so I feel bad cause last A/N I probably got allot of your hopes up,

But legit SO many people want an update and I have nothing else to do at the moment, I'm gonna update! Woo! For the first time in like a fucking year 😂😂😂😂

But from the last time I had written this story, my writing has changed a bit for the better so I'm sorry if it's a huge change I'll try not to change it up to much ^~^

But thank you guys so much for the sweet comments and I really hope you guys enjoy! Please comment and leave a like if you did, it'll really motivate me and I'll try to update again tomorrow if Nothing happens ^~^ 💕💕

P.S~ I'll start writing the new chapter right now, I'll try to make it longer than the rest ^~^ So expect it in maybe.... 2-3 hours??

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