^^^^My favourite lyric
It's been so long!!!!
Since you guys liked my other book so much, I'm making a new book called "*sigh* Tumblr... really?".
Once again, my photo gallery is full of way too many memes and funny Tumblr posts, so I'm putting them to good use and share it on the internet :)
If you liked Fandom Memes, you'll like this. It includes more memes from the same fandoms and more.
Make sure to check it out!!!
Thanks guys!
Fuzzy's Tags, Covers, Memes and RANDOMNESS
Aléatoire*WARNING* Extreme randomness. You have been warned!! Just a book for when I get tagged... AND SOME RANDOMNESS!!! Maybe book covers or requests or random memes too... Yeah I'm guessing you guys are all bloody inspired;) Fangirls and definitely Whovia...