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As soon as she'd finished talking I was almost in tears she shouldn't of had to go through that she was just sobbing into my chest while I kept her close when her breathing slowed down and she was silent,bless her she's fallen asleep,wait what am I going to do?!
Instead of getting up and risking waking her up I decided to text Josh:
Simonè💜😂:Josh she fell asleep on me what do I do?!
DaddyZerk👨🏻😆:let her stay here the night and why/how did she fall asleep?
Simonè💜😂:she was explaining something personal and started crying so I hugged her and she just relaxed and fell asleep,I will let her sleep on my bed and I will take the floor and also her key card is in her bag can you come get it and go grab her suitcase pls as she is on the same flight as us
Simonè💜😂:thx dad😗
Daddyzerk💜😂:*facepalms np simonè😗
Well looks like I'm sleeping on the floor tonight but it's for Gabby so I don't really mind.
I lay down Gabby, took her bag off her and tucked her under the covers I was about to lay down on the floor when Vikk knocked on the door quietly and came in looked at me and whispered
"You not hungry?"
"Nah I'm good"I replied
"Ok"he said whilst shutting the door behind him I laid on the floor and slowly drifted off to sleep with Gabby on my mind...
I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I sat up I looked around to see Simon on the floor looking really uncomfortable lying next to his fully packed suitcase... Shit! I haven't packed yet, well to be fair I never really unpacked I stepped out of bed and walked out the room and downstairs and found the kitchen and saw Vikk,Harry,Tobi,Josh,the Cals and Ethan sitting around the island fully dressed and eating cereal.
"How comes I'm here?!"I asked trying to sound polite but probably failed because I'm not a morning person.
"You fell asleep on Simon so he left you to sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor "Josh said
"Why did he sleep on the floor he shouldn't of me not hearin why did he sleep on the floor it should of been me that slept on the floor and secondly I'm leaving today and I haven't packed properly so what will I do my suitcase is back at the hotel?!" I asked
"don't worry we are on the same flight so last night I look for your key card got your stuff for you it is in Simon's room. "Josh said
"thank you so much! "I said whilst running over to him and hugging him I don't quickly run back to Simon's room and grab my stuff and got changed into:

 "Josh said"thank you so much! "I said whilst running over to him and hugging him I don't quickly run back to Simon's room and grab my stuff and got changed into:

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"Shit"I mumbled to myself I must of left my cosy jumper at Vidcon oh well I will ask Simon if I can borrow one of his jumpers.
"Siiiiii can I borrow a jumper I left mine at vidcon"I asked him hopefully
"Of course you can it's over there in my suitcase"he replied
"Thank youuuu!"I said dragging out the u
I walked over to his suitcase and picked out One of his jumpers it was a bit big but at least to be snuggly.
His jumper that your wearing:

TIME SKIP TO AIRPORT BROUGHT TO YOU BY EMON!We stepped out of the übers and made our way into the airport we went to Nando's once we went through customs and we have just finished our meal when our plane was being called to start boarding we board...

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We stepped out of the übers and made our way into the airport we went to Nando's once we went through customs and we have just finished our meal when our plane was being called to start boarding we boarded a plane the guys went to their seats and I went to mine which is a bit further that I sat down when a guy came up to me and said "excuse me a man has asked me if I could swap seats with you is that okay? "
"Yes of course it is where am I sitting ?"I asked he pointed over to a seat which was next to Simon instantly I felt happy I walked over to my seat and smiled at Simon and sat down
"Hey gabs didn't want you getting lonely so I asked the guy if you could swap sweats"He said with a smile
I put my seatbelt on bracing myself for the takeoff we started moving and instantly I've grabbed hold of Simon's hand and squeezed it I didn't like planes but somehow I managed it on the way here but only barely, my breathing started to pick up so I squeezed Simon's hand,I was having a panic attack I hate my face into Simon's chest and began to cry.
"shhh it's okay just breathe gabby,breathe."he said whilst rubbing my back.
"Say look we are in the air so you can open your eyes now okay?"
He said reassuringly
I slightly nodded my head and reluctantly I slowly looked up.
"How did you know I was having a panic attack? "I asked shakingly still trying to calm down.
"well my sister Hannah has them so I know what to do "he said whilst shrugging his shoulders.
The rest of the journey was quite calm, I was snuggled into Simon whilst we watched the fault in our stars...
I think I have fallen for Simon Minter but he will never fall in love with me...
A/N Hello my lovelies hope you enjoyed this chapter any feedback or advice you have for me I would love to hear it go check out my other books my brother simon minter.. and are you safe...
I love you all xx
-GabbyXIX xx ❤️💛💚💙💜
Word count-971 xx

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