~Chapter 12~

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It's been weeks after the blame incident from Veronica, it still has an effect to me, but so far I haven't hurt anyone yet. Yet. But on the bright side, the guy who wanted to kill me is now my friend. Yup, Lucas Jones is my friend now. Can you believe it?

I was on the couch all bundled up in a quilt, it's gone colder in the pass few weeks. Well, it was almost December anyway. I laid there and switched on my phone, a notification popped up, it was a text from Lucas.

Lucas: How's winter break for you?

I thought for a while what to say, I mean I really didn't know. I was just completely slacking around.

Me: Nothing much, just trying to keep warm😁

Lucas: Don't you have a built in heater in that house?

Me: We do...But...I'm just too lazy to stand up and turn it on....

Lucas: You're such a lazy ass, no wonder you're getting fatter by the minute 😂😂

Me: *puts hand on chest* In case you didn't know, I'm going on a diet!

Lucas: You said that like four days ago! And on the third day you said that you were stopping cause you'll miss out on the Christmas food!

Me: ...

Lucas: Anyway, I have to go, my dad is trying to lure some random girl into the house😥

Lucas: Bye bitch😁

Me: You too asshole!😛

I switched off my phone and smiled to myself, I always seemed to do this everytime we talked on the phone. I was like a puppy who just played with his long lost owner, so happy that we played with each other in​ such a long time. I smiled at the thought. I must be looking like a fool now cause Oliver was staring at me with a confused face. I sat up and smiled at him some more.

"What happened to you?" He asked sitting down next to me

"Nothing..." I bit my lip, trying to hold back another smile

"You've been talking to Lucas haven't you?" He guessed

"How did you know?" I quickly covered my mouth, stupid mouth, you always slip out

"Just making a guess, but looks you have been huh?" He said

I smiled again, ugh why can't I stop smiling! I tried to hold down my face from smiling, but I just can't.

"If you like him, why don't yo just confess to him?" He quietly said.



"What makes you think I like Lucas?" I said coolly, trying not to make a fuss about it. If I did, he would start teasing me about it.

"Well, you smile everytime after both of you talk to each other..." He started "and you do enjoy his company"

Oliver was kinda right, I mean it's nice to have someone else to hang with right? But that doesn't mean I like him.

A wave of heat rushed towards my cheek. Why the hell am I blushing?

"And you're blushing right now" Oliver interupted me as he pointed towards my cheeks.

"Does that even mean anything?" I covered my now red face with my quilt. Gosh, this was embarrassing "can you shut up Oliver!"

"Okay, okay, sorry....Geez!" He was silent now, I peeked over the fabric to look at him, he was now busy typing away on his phone. I hate it when this guy always teased me. He treats like a child sometimes, and it's annoying as hell!

I grabbed my phone from beside me and turned it on. A text message appeared on the screen, it was an anonymous one. I tapped it open and read it.

Ms. Johnson, we are informing you that your father, William Johnson, has been detained for a few more years​. This is due to smuggling of drugs, and excessive usage of them. We encourage for you to stop by and see him.

I slowly sat upright, Oliver noticed my movement, and looked at me with worried eyes, he knows already.

"Your dad?" He asked quietly


"Is he doing it again?"

"Yes...I thought he stopped, now it looks like he's being detained for another few more years..." I stood up from the couch and went towards the stairs.

"Wanna come with me? I'm heading there now to talk to him" I asked

"Sure, but my car's stuck in the work shop, so we're going to have to ask Lucas"

"Ok" was all I said. I then went up to get my coat and went back down to put on my boots.

"When is Lucas coming?"

"In about 2 minutes"

I nodded to him and went out the door with him. There we waited in the cool wintery breeze, it wasn't snowing yet but the it was cold to the core. I rubbed my hands​ together to keep warm when I saw Lucas's car pull over, so we got in and drove to our destination.

The car was silent, no one dared to talk, not even Lucas, I bet Oliver told him what happened. I stared out the window and watched the houses whizz by, my dad is now going be in prison for 4 years, it was now longer than I had expected it to be. I sighed and started fiddling with my fingers. It was a habit of mine, and it always kept me busy.

At last we got there, I wasn't​ nervous anymore, the visits due to his drug use was normal, it was like a routine, a horrible one at that. I sighed and went to the front desk.

"Um..I'm here to see my father, William Johnson...." I said softly through my numb lips, the cold has made them dried and chap. The lady looked up at me and gave me a warm smile. She then called one of the officers to request permission. She then handed me a sheet of paper to write my name on, there I saw her hands, her wrinkled hands. There were callouses on her knuckles and palm, she must've worked for the police before. I wrote down my name and sat down with Oliver and Lucas. Lucas sat next to me while Oliver sat at the other side of Lucas.

A hand then lightly placed itself on my leg, I looked at it then to the person. It was Lucas, he looked at me with a comforting smile, I smiled back. He then took his hand off and placed them on his lap, patting them lightly. The women from the desk led me to my father, leaving Oliver and Lucas on their seats. I followed the lady until she led me to an empty seat, with a glass window separating me from my dad. The lady left me and I sat down. My dad sat there, all groggy and high, yep high. He was a mess. His hair stuck up in placed, his eyes had eyebags hanging on them, and the wrinkles he had before were more prominent. He looked like he had aged a decade.

"I'm sorry..." He said in a tired voice as he hiccuped lightly.

Anger built up in me, heat rushed to my cheeks, I hated what he said, "YOU ALWAYS SAID YOU'RE SORRY!" I said in a sudden out burst. "DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES YOU'VE BEEN SAYING THAT TO ME!? I DOUBT YOU EVEN MEAN IT!",my chest rose high as I breathed in, everything I had felt, I was gonna let it all out.

"Don't you know how hard it is for me to wait for you to come home!? I've lost a mother, and now I feel like I'm losing you! You're the only person I have left, can you at least think of how hard I'm trying to actually live without you!?" I stopped, catching my breath, "can you please stop doing this...I want you back now dad..." I said in a softer tone.

I looked up to my dad, he just stared with plain eyes, didn't he feel anything of what I said? Did he even care about me....Did he? I stood up from my seat and turned my back towards him, I could hear him breath in and out slowly, and even slower, and slower. A loud thud then filled the room, I looked back to see him on the floor crumpled up. I gasped, no. I went up to the glass window and pressed myself onto it. No. Dad, no, don't leave me. "NO! DAD!" I screamed in fear as I banged my fists against the cool glass

The door swung open behind me as I banged my fists harder, determined to break the glass so I could reach him. Strong hands pulled me away and led me outside, I was then taken into someone's arms, it was Lucas. I struggled in his grip.

No, no. I can't lose my dad. No. No...

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