Chapter 3

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After the initial crushing pain, she felt numb. She had no more tears left to cry as she positioned herself on top of the bench, almost all of her face hidden beneather her white hoodie. The events of the night playing on endless repeat inside her head.

She saw what happened with the girl. She saw the girl make a move on him. She knew Jiyong was not really cheating on her. She saw his body initially stiffen as the girl touched him. But then he looked up and she saw a shift in his face as he stared right back at her across the room. Jiyong purposely touched the girl while maintaining eye contact with her.

He was making a point. That was clear. He was always ingenuous in sending cryptic messages. He was lashing out at her silently telling her I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine. Defiantly testing her limits just as his limits have been tested for the past years. Telling her if you're not staking your claim on me, someone else just might try and take me from you.

She never thought Jiyong would be this cruel. For years he would always put her needs first. He was always sensitive to her feelings. He said that he never wanted to see her hurt and that he would always do his best to protect her from pain. But what did he do, just now? It was out of character for him. He did exactly the opposite of what he said he would do.

She texted Jiyong's manager and asked if Jiyong got home safely. She knew they had to talk but they both needed to rest. She also needed to think things through before they do. She loves him, that much she is sure. But she is beginning to question if love is enough when that love starts to be destructive? When love equates pain for both of them, is it still enough?

A few moments after, she recieved a message assuring her that Jiyong drank some more after she left but that he was brought home safely already. She knew Jiyong was in good hands. She sent back her thanks to his manager. She then wearily got up and went inside to her cold and lonely bed. She curled herself up underneath the covers and allowed sleep to temporarily ease her worries and fears.

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