Halloween Special

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Hello, lovely readers. This isn't much. It's just a little peek into their future.

It was already midnight and the lights on a certain Tagaytay resthouse were still on. A certain former kpop idol and now very in demand composer-record producer was busy stitching on sequins on a glittering fairy costume. Yelps could be heard every once in a while whenever he would inadvertently prick himself.

A slim but obviously pregnant figure joined him and handed him a cup of coffee which he gladly accepted.

"I told you we should have just bought her costume or asked someone else to make it for her." His wife sighed as she settled herself on the sofa beside him. "Let me do that." She reached for the nearly finished costume but her husband clucked his tongue at her and placed the offending piece of glittering gown on his other side, away from his wife.

"No. It's enough that I got pricked because of this bloody costume. I don't want you to hurt yourself. It's nearly done, any way." He took the cup of coffee and sipped while his free arm encircled his wife's shoulders and gathered her close. He had to have a crash course earlier at making the costume from his fashion designer friends via webconference for this one.

"Besides, you know our little imp would narrow her eyes at me if she found out that I had help." He chuckled thinking about their first born's audacious demands.

Earlier in the day their five year old went home running, screaming for her father. "Appa! Appa! I've got to show you something. Uncle Bernie, Chris's dad is making him his own Flash costume."

"Okay." Jiyong didn't want to jump the gun but he had an idea where this conversation was heading to. He looked at the picture on his daughter's phone. They both looked up as Dara came down the stairs. "Hi, mom" Haruka greeted her mom with a wave but went back to showing her dad her phone.

"It was really cool." Haruka murmured as she scrolled through her gallery showing her dad the costume. "But Chris started being annoying and he said he had the best dad in the world 'cause none of our dads made our costumes. Only Uncle Bernie did."

"Uhuh." Jiyong gave a noncommittal response.

Haruka crawled on to his lap and gave him a warm, tight hug. "Appa? I think you're the best daddy in the world. I told Chris he was wrong. I told him if Uncle Bernie can make a costume my daddy can, too, because my daddy is the bestest best daddy in the world." Haruka then turned bright, hopeful eyes up at him.

"You will make me the bestest best fairy costume for tomorrow, right? Appa?" Jiyong groaned. He was put in a spot.

He looked up at his wife who was shaking her head and mouthing the word no at him but then he looked down at his daughter's face that looked so much like his lovely wife and he was lost. He watched the tears start to gather in her eyes and her lower lip started to quiver. He couldn't stand seeing any of his girls cry and so he wordlessly nodded.

As soon as he gave his assent, his imp of a daughter jumped off his lap, gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran out of the house gleefully shouting her playmate's name.

Dara rolled her eyes up to the ceiling in frustration. "Happy halloween, honey. I told you to tell her no but you still nodded at her. That was trick or treat in the highest form and you just got served."

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