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After that phone call, they were able to reestablish a new norm for their relationship. Their careers took them into different directions. Their schedules barely aligned after that but they took up the habit of calling each other every night, as friends, of course. It was a bit surprising because they were talking more after their breakup compared to when they were actually together.

Their close circle of friends noticed the change in tone of their relationship. They would occasionally throw joking questions at them asking if they really broke up because it seems that they appear to be closer than ever. They would just laughingly scoff at their ribbing. Eventually their friends learned to keep their comments to themselves but would exchange knowing smiles whenever they see evidences of their so-called friendship. Both of them appeared happier than they ever were, so the people around them chose to let them be.

The time came when Jiyong had to enlist in the army. They said their goodbyes. Surprisingly, both of them didn't cry. Everyone was expecting some kind of drama from them but the two of them were composed during Jiyong's farewell dinner with close friends and family. It was hard for the both of them to say goodbye but they've talked about it extensively already.

Jiyong was a little apprehensive as expected but he was looking forward to his enlistment. He felt that it would be an experience that would help him grow and help him widen his mind's view.

He came to a conclusion that being a celebrity for most of his life enhanced but at the same time reduced his chances at having real life experiences. Enlisting would give him the chance to experience what it's like to be simply treated as Kwon Jiyong and not as G-Dragon. With that in mind both of them were able to say their goodbyes with a light heart.

The months flew by for both of them. It was not a walk in the park. It took them a lot of blood, sweat and tears to accomplish whatever goals they have set for themselves.

Dara through dedication amd determination was finally able to establish herself as a credible multitalented artist. No one could ever tell her now that she was just a pretty face. Jiyong also immersed himself in the military. He embraced the challenges that were thrown at him. There were times that he wanted to give up but he knew he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he quit. He owed it to himself to finish his service.

*** *** ***

Dara breathed the air deeply. She looked at the beautiful view before her. The setting sun threw a soft pink haze across the sky. Three years and finally she was able to realize her dream of having a house overlooking Taal Lake. She paid an exorbitant price for it, but the breathtaking view before her made every cent worth it.

She smiled to herself, remembering the outrageous statements she made when she was doing the Battle Tour with Hyoni years ago. She said on national TV that she would say yes if a man would propose to her here.

She chuckled to herself. Who would propose to her now? Who would want a thirty five year old like her when there were more attractive and younger females available.

She sighed. What she would give to have a family of her own? But none of the guys who showed their interest towards her got her attention. Somedays she'd be crazy enough to imagine herself as Mrs. Kwon but she knew she was just being silly. They were just friends now. In her heart of hearts she would have wanted more but she was content with whatever they have now.

As the sun continued to dip lower towards the horizon, so did the temperature and she started to feel goosebumps on her bare arms. She shivered and was about to turn and head back to her house when a warm coat was gently draped on her shoulders and warm hands intertwined its fingers on her chilled ones.

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