Kim Scott

33 1 4

Marshall's POV
I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth... we have been only dating for a fucking week! And it's not like we've known each other our whole lives! I've only known Jayden for a fucking week! And she's pregnant! I'm only seventeen... I don't even know how to be a father... I've never had one... what if I'm not good enough? I can't even take care of my self and Jayden. A-a-and I've been doing something I regret doing... I slept with Kim when I told Jayden I was visiting Shaun. How am I going to tell her?
Jayden: Marshall?
She started crying even more.
Jayden: Marshall please answer...
Her knees fell from under her so she made contact with the floor, I dropped to the floor and wrapped my arms around her crying myself.
Me: I have to tell you something... I cheated on you... with Kim...
She pushed me away from her.
Jayden: you did what?! You cheated on me? And with Kim? The guy who CHEATED on you?! How could you?
Tears just poured from both of our eyes.
Jayden: I'm leaving.... I'm done with you Marshall!
She got up off of the ground and started walking to the door.
Me: no you can't leave... I think I love you.
Jayden: well apparently not! You fucking cheated on me Marshall! I don't want anything to do with you!
Me: Well maybe I don't want anything to do with the baby!
I was in shock with what just came out of my mouth... and so was Jayden...
Me: it just slipped out... I want you and the baby... I can't lose you! I love you Jay... you're my everything!
Jayden: Fuck you Marshall!
She left... slamming the screen door. And I just lyed there on my knees with my hands to my head wondering what I have done. That baby... MY baby will grow up without a father... just like I did... but I've hurt Jayden too much. I decided to chase after the girl I truly love. I got off of the ground and ran out the same door that Jayden ran out of 5 minutes ago. When I got to the street Jayden was nowhere to be found...
Jayden's POV
I can't believe Marshall cheated on me with that bitch who CHEATED on him! And what he said about not wanting the baby! I called my best friend Collin to pick me up. He wasted no time because he was here in five minutes.
Collin: what's wrong Jayden?
Me: Marshall told me he cheated on me when I told him I was pregnant...
I could barely get the words out. Collin wrapped his arms around me.
Collin: lets go... we can have ice cream sandwiches like old times.
I laughed a little.
Me: ok...
when Collin started driving I stared out the window until we got to his place. We layed blankets on the ground like we used to and got ice cream sandwiches then watched "The Lion King" But through out the entire movie I was thinking about Marshall... Even though I've only known him for a week I think I love him... but I guess the feelings weren't returned. Tomorrow Collin is taking me to court to see if i can go out into the world by myself without a foster parents. All I need are the signatures of my real parents but... since I was left on the side of the road when I was a baby they don't know who my real parents are. The only way I can find out is if I get a blood test and the reasoning I didn't get one earlier is because they needed concent from me. I fell asleep on Collins couch half of the movie in. When I woke up the movie was over and Collin was crying.
Collin: it was just so happy! Are you ok here alone?
Me: yeah I think I'm just gonna crash on the couch.
Collin: ok good because Ric is coming over and we're going to his place.
Ric is Collin's boyfriend. I nodded and dropped my head on the pillow and drifted to sleep.
I woke up to pain and ran to the bathroom for morning sickness... ugh I can't believe I'm going to go through 9 months of this shit. After I was out of the bathroom I walked into the kitchen to make myself a bagel, then got dressed in the clothes I had left at Collins weeks ago. I heard a knock at the door so I walked slowly to the door and opened it to see a fuming Jason.
I was scared... how did he find me?
He yelled as he slapped me making me fall to the ground in pain.
Me: I've been s-s-staying at Marshall's...
He pulled me by my hair into the hallway of Collin's apartment. My screams filled the halls until a man no older than 25 came out of his apartment to see me on the ground with tears pouring out with Jason pulling me by my hair.
The guy punched Jason. Jason fell to the ground then got up and got up and ran out of the door being the coward I know he is.
Guy: are you okay?
He asked as he got on his knee and held out his hand, so I took it and he pulled me up.
Guy: Chase...
Me: Jayden... thank you for saving me...
Chase: who was that?
Me: that... was my ex-boyfriend... Jason.
Chase: oh... relationship gone bad?
Me: I left him because of something like that then started dating another guy... the got pregnant by the other guy and he cheated on me so I went to my best friends house where Jason found me...
Tears started falling from my eyes. I then saw Ric, Collin and... Marshall coming in from the outside. I ran to Marshall and slapped him.
Me: Get AWAY from me!
Marshall: I just want to talk... I love you

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