Baby Steps

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Jayden's POV
Me: you cheated on me! And you come here to tell me you love me?! You said you didn't want the baby! THEN YOU COME HERE!!! FUCK you Marshall!
I yelled through the hall in front of Chase, Collin, Zac and Marshall. I then walked right back to Collin's apartment and cried myself to sleep on his couch.
I woke up to the smell of pancakes, Zac walked into the living room sitting by my feet on the couch.
Zac: Marshall feels terrible about what he said... he wants another chance
I just stared him not knowing what to say. I don't want Marshall to hurt me again but I don't want my child to grow up without a father... I don't know what to do.
Me: Zac... I don't know what to do...
I started crying, Zac moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug.
Zac: I think you should give Marshall another chance...
I started thinking and what if Marshall was so in the moment that the words just slipped out without meaning? I'll give him another chance. I pushed back the blanket and put my feet on the cold floor that sent chills up my spine. I ran to Collins home phone and called Marshall's house, it rang for a bit then someone who's voice I didn't recognize answered.
Unknown: hello?
Me: hi is Marshall there?
Unknown: speaking...
His voice sounded so different... so raspy, so sad. Did I do this to him?
Me: Marshall, it's Jayden... I forgive you... I want to be in your arms again... I want you and I miss you...
Marshall: I miss you too... I take back what I said about not wanting the baby... I want the baby and you and I want a family. I'll meet you at Collin's in 5 minutes. I love you...
Me: I love you too baby.
When I hung up I heard a "awwwws" coming from behind me to see Collin and Zac.
Collin: the best power couple in Detroit is back!
I laughed and got dressed.

I waited by the door of Collin's apartment waiting for Marshall and as soon as I saw his car roll up, I ran out of the door

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I waited by the door of Collin's apartment waiting for Marshall and as soon as I saw his car roll up, I ran out of the door. He got out and extended his arms waiting for me to run up to him and hug him. I finally felt his warm embrace again.
Marshall: babe, I'm so sorry... can you ever forgive me?
Me: it was only the heat of the moment... of course I forgive you baby.
I stepped away from Marshall staring into his eyes, but all he could do was look down at my stomach. He got down on his knees and kissed my stomach.
Marshall: I will never leave you princess.
Me: princess? What makes you sure that it'll be a girl?
I chuckled
Marshall: I don't know... I just have a feeling...

o0O five months later O0o

I've gotten pretty big and the morning sickness has kicked in on the third week of my pregnancy. Today I have an an ultrasound and Marshall is coming along.

Marshall: are you ready babe?Me: I was born ready

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Marshall: are you ready babe?
Me: I was born ready.
I walked to the car with Marshall watching my every move... he's been so worried that something would go wrong but I'm fine. Marshall helped me into the car and then got in himself. We mostly just talked about names for our baby. Marshall is so convinced that it's a girl that he's only coming up with girl names.
Marshall: how about Hailie? But spelt
Me: I like it... it's unique. But what if it's a boy?
Marshall: it's a girl and I know it... don't argue with me on this because I know that I'm right.
I chuckled, but what if he's only staying with me because he doesn't want to leave the baby like his father left him? What if he doesn't love me?
Marshall: she's going to have my hair and your eyes. I'm just so excited to see my princess in four months!
Marshall then lit a cigarette.
Me: Marshall!
Marshall: what?
Me: I don't want to be breathing in that shit!
Marshall: okay... god damn I just can't wait until your not hormonal all the time.
I just sighed and stared out the window.
We were certainly waiting in the waiting room at the hospital when a lady came out.
Nurse: Jayden Mathers?
I turned to Marshall.
Me: really Marshall? Mathers?
Marshall: what? I don't know your last name... and neither do you.
I rolled my eyes and followed the nurse into a room then the nurse left. Marshall hugged me from behind placing his hands on my stomach. Marshall: soon Hailie... just four more months and I can hold you in my arms.
The words he would say to our baby always made me smile.
The doctor soon came in a did the ultrasound then just got up and left then came back in about ten minutes later.
Doctor: Mr.Mathers can I talk to you outside for a minute?
Marshall: um... yeah sure...

Marshall's POV
When the doctor pulled me outside to speak with me I got a little worried... what if the baby isn't ok? I shut the door behind me.
Doctor: Mr.Mathers... I'm sorry for your lost...
Did he just say that?
Me: d-Did you just say that?
I could feel the rage... the pain... it was over flowing... I couldn't keep it inside.... I broke into tears on the spot while sliding down the door of our room. I pulled my knees to my chest... I couldn't believe that this was happening...
Doctor: Mr.Mathers...? Would you like me to tell your girlfriend or would you like to do it?
Me: I'll do it...
Jayden is going to be so upset... she was looking forward to being a mother... and I a father. I got up off of the ground and slowly turned the door knob not wanting to fully open it.

Jayden's POV
Marshall has been gone for about ten minutes... I wonder why? When I saw Marshall walk in with tear stained eyes I knew it wasn't good... he sat beside me on the bed and held my hands.
Marshall: baby... we aren't going to be parents...
those words that just came out of his mouth I never thought would come out.... it was a miscarriage... I'm not going to have a mothers satisfaction of holding my baby girl in my arms... I didn't care if the doctors and the nurses saw me cry because it was probably normal with parents who... lost their baby's. Marshall pulled me into his arms and let me cry into his chest. 

I just wanted to leave and go home so I got up and started walking holding my stomach not wanting to believe what the doctors and Marshall were trying to tell me. Marshall quickly followed me. I got into the drivers side and start the engine when Marshall came up to the window so I rolled it down.
Marshall: where are you going?
Me: I'm leaving.... I think we all know the reason you stayed with me... you just didn't want your baby to live without a father... you don't love me... you never did... and never will... but you're free now... you can go... I put my foot on the pedal and drove to Collin's.

Word count:1238 words

Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! But anyway the this chapter was for my best friend @JordanGiddings it's her birthday today! My original plan was to have it done and publish it at 12:00 in the morning but I fell asleep so I'm publishing it at 4:31 in the morning instead 😂. So this chapter is for you @JordanGiddings I LOVE YOU! I know this chapter wasn't the happiest but I warned you Jordan.
Love, Jay🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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