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"You don't have any respect for your parentsof anymore, do you?" My mom shouts in the car. God, they always have to over react about everything.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?!" I spat, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. They always think they're right and I'm wrong. They're not me and they'll never know what I'm thinking. Hell, they don't even care what I think or feel. They only care about them selves.

"I can crash this car right now and kill all of us!" My dad grips tightly on the wheel as he shouted. Glad I'm not the only one who wants all of us to die. He has obviously had enough, and so have I. If they could only shut up, this wouldn't even be a big deal.

"Then crash it." I dared him, rolling my eyes for the hundredth time, knowing he won't crash this cheap car. Please, I want to die. I don't like this family. I don't even want to call this my family.

Instead of crashing the car, which would have ended the three of us dead and make me happy, my dad pulls over to the side of the road.

"Get out of this car." If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Greg, just keep driving." Mom softly says. Wow, you're saying that now when you literally said the exact same thing to me last time you shouted with your annoying ass mouth.

If he wants me to get the hell out of here, sure. I'll do it. I never even wanted to be here with them in the first place.

My dad impatiently shouts again. "Didn't you hear me? Get out this damn car." He says louder.

"Get out this damn car." I mock him, rolling my eyes, again.

I don't think twice and I open the car door right away, getting away from these devils.

"Fuck you." I shout back and close the door hard. Before I can even think of anything to curse out, the car drives off, leaving me.

This had happened to me before. Except that fight was about me and my brother fighting which my mom always get tired of so she cried and told us to get out. That was not as bad as this. Considering the fact that right now, my brother isn't here to be with me meaning I'm all alone. Last time I knew where my mom dropped us off because we were near our house but now, I don't know where the hell I am since my family came from this stupid little vacation.

But I mean I don't care. Whatever they're doing to me, I do not give a fuck. I've wanted to run away from them for so long.

I look at my watch and it is 7:34pm. I looked around and there are food trucks near me.

The place had people in it. It had buildings and people going out of them. Their shifts must have ended, giving them a peaceful night.

Shit, my phone. I feel my pockets, hoping that my phone is just with me, and groan as I my pockets do not have my phone. I probably left it in the car and was too pissed to remember and get my phone before I closed the door hard.

Great, just great. Whatever, if this is God's way of punishing me then I'll show him I'm strong.

I did find 20$ on my pocket that I tricked my parents into giving me it. I asked 10$ from my dad, saying that I should be paid when I tutored my little brother (which I surprisingly did). The other 10$ is me asking my mom to give me it because I was going to buy gifts for my friends from the souvenir store which I didn't. I could buy myself some food though. I need to eat, I have to be calm. I can't show I'm scared. I'm brave. What they're doing to me means nothing to me.

I see a food truck that sells burgers so I go there, being attracted to the smell it's giving.God, I love burgers. My tummy grumbles just as I thought of how yummy burgers are.

"Hello young lady, what would you like tonight?" A guy who seemed to be around his twenties ask.

"I'd like the 1/3 classic burger and Sprite, please." I order with a smile. This is one thing my parents also get mad at me for. I have respect for other people but when it comes to them, it goes from 100 to 0 real quick.

"That would be five dollars and fifty cents." He says and I hand him my ten dollar bill. I get my change and wait for my order to be given.

"Here you go." He hands me a brown paper bag. I can't wait to eat this but I remember what I always have to ask.

"Do you have ketchup?" I ask them. I always have to have ketchup when I eat a burger or else it's too dry for me. I just love ketchup. It makes the burger even better, for me at least.

"Yes, hold on." He says and grabs three packets of ketchup then handing it to me.

"Sorry, this is the last. Can I have extra tissues?" I ask. This is a trait I got from my mom. My mom would always ask for extra tissues and I'd make fun of her. Like we have a box full of tissues that are from McDonalds, Wendy's, California Pizza Kitchen, basically every fast food store or restaurant. Ew, why am I even thinking about my mom? They let me out of that god damn car, heartless bitches.

"Here ya go." The guy hands me a lot of tissue and I thank him.

I take a seat and bite onto my burger. I must say, if they didn't drop me off here I wouldn't be eating this delicious burger.

After finishing the mouth-watering burger and Sprite, I decide to look for a phone booth.

I didn't realize how cold it actually is out here as I left the group of food trucks. I'm wearing shorts and if I knew I'd be dropped off in the middle of some where I don't know, I'd bring my luggage with me. Good thing I'm wearing a hoodie though.

As I go deeper into the place, the less people there are.

From a distance, I see a phone booth. Finally! I'm going to call my brother so he can fetch me and pay him 8 dollars if he does it. I quicken my pace so I can get the hell out of here faster.

"Hey, you shouldn't go there." A voice startles me. I turn around and I'm greeted by a boy. Great, boys.

It's quite dim so I can't really see him well but I know he's very tall, has curly hair and is wearing a black shirt, black skinny jeans and some type of boots.

I look around and check if he's actually talking to me.

"I'm talking to you." He answers my thoughts and comes closer.

"Yo, don't come near me." He could rape me for gods sake.

"I'm not going to hurt you," He explains. "It's just that if you go there, there are these boys who'll gang up on you." His thick british accent speaks.

"I'm not scared." I tell him. I'm scared. "Look, I really need to make a call so if you could stop caring for a stranger it would be nice." I put on a fake smile.

"Okay then," He says then turns around and I do the same. I hope there actually aren't boys there, I'm not in the mood to inter act with annoying humans.

As I get closer to the phone booth, a three musketeer gang shows up.

"Sup, ma?" The tallest amongst the three holler. I ignore them and keep walking.

"What's an angel like you doing out here at night?" Another one says as the three of them follow my back. Still ignoring them.

"You know it's rude to ignore someone." The last one says. As if I'm scared of these dicks. I just keep walking until I feel one of them grab my arm.

"Let go of me!" I try to break out but two of them have their grips on me.

"We asked you, what's an angel like you doing here alone at night?" The one who isn't holding me says closely to my ear.

"Um, because I need to make a call?" I say bravely.

"Mmm..." The guy with brown hair moans. Disgusting. One of his hand snakes its way to my waist and I hit his chest with my elbow.

"Let go of her!" Someone shouts.


hi hehe i'd appreciate if you'd vote? idk, if you're not into it yet it's aight. give it a chance and keep reading (:

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