Chapter 8

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Mitch POV

After we got back from the club, Jason and Nicole left together *wink wink* so as to not disturb them I carried the passed out Jayme up to our room bridal style while Jerome walked beside me smiling down at the girl in my arms.

"She really is an amazing person," he said brushing hair out of her face. "They both are, where ever Nicole is"

"She left early with Jason," I said chuckling.

"Ahhhh," he said with a look of understanding.

When we got to our hotel I changed Jayme from her dress to my T-shirt because I have a longer torso than Jerome so it will cover her more and laid her down next to Jerome with me sitting on the chair across from the bed. As I was laying her down I noticed the tattoo on her left wrist above her scars. It was an infinity sign with the word "life" written within the outline. It was truly amazing.

~Skip to Morning~

When I finally woke up it was one in the afternoon and I woke up feeling a pair of lips on mine. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jerome's face inches above mine looking over to see who was in my arms. Jayme.

"When I woke up I carried you to the bed because you looked uncomfortable," he said smiling down at Jayme. "She gravitated to you. She did that to me too" he kissed the top of her head. "She's a sweet girl. They both are." I just looked at him shocked because of the amount of affection he was showing toward her.

When I went to stand up I must have jostled Jayme because she woke up groaning, "Ugh! Will someone turn off the sun!?!"

Jerome chuckled, "Sounds like someone has a hangover!"

"Shut up!" She whisper yelled. I got up and gave her some Advil.

An hour later she emerged from the bedroom into the living room where all of the guys are including Nicole and Jason wrapped up in each other's arms.

"Good morning sunshine," Ty said laughing at her.

"I'm taking a shower if you don't mind," she said flipping Ty off.

"Someone's feisty," Adam said getting up hugging her and spinning around.

"Ow ow ow! Put me down!" She yelled annoyed and in pain.

"On yeah! You're hungover!" He teased.

When Jayme got out of the shower you'd never know she was hungover or drunk in the first place. She looked like her normal beautiful self. As soon as she saw Ian sitting on the couch she jumped into his lap kissing him.

"So when are you guys going back to LA?" Nicole asked

"Tomorrow at 8:30 am" Jerome said kissing me.

"Us too!" She said gesturing to Jayme who was still making out with Ian on the couch.

Jayme pulled away from Ian and asked all of us, "do you guys want to come to my graduation?"

"ABSOLUTELY!" We all said in unison. We all really like those girls. They are so normal compared to the other fan girls we meet.

"You guys want to go get some lunch?" Ian asked holding Jayme tighter around her waist as if she would disappear if he would let her go.

"Sure!" We all said getting up to go get lunch.

~Skip to Restaurant~

When we walked in we were flogged by fangirls. One walked up to Jayme who was wrapped in Ian's arms and said, "No! Captain Ssundee for dayz!"

"Ummm ok?" Jayme replied questioningly.

"And you," the nut job said turning to Nicole holding hands with Jason. "Truelox has my support."

"Thank you for your confidence in our relationships. It is much appreciated," Jayme said smiling and walking to a table with all of us following behind.

When we sat down our waiter came over to us, "hello there! Can I get you all started with something to drink?" He asked practically drooling over Jayme.

"Mountain Dew!" The two girls said simultaneously laughing and doing some handshake that wasn't very complicated but showed their closeness.

"How'd you guys come up with that handshake?" Ty asked Jayme and Nicole after our waiter left to get dose dank dranks.

"Well," Nicole began as Justin(the waiter) came back with our drinks. "We were messing around one day in seventh grade in Mr. Miller's class," at the mention of that teacher's name Jayme started laughing, downing her soda and Nicole laughed along. "Anyway," Nicole said calming down, "and the handshake just sorta stuck." She looked over at Jayme and they smiled at each other.

"Wow. You guys have been friends for like eight years! That's a long ass time!" Quentin said chuckling.

"Yeah well we are awesome!" Jayme exclaimed laughing.

After lunch we all went back to the hotel to pack for our flight tomorrow morning.

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