Chapter 9

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Mitch POV

I woke up at five in the morning to the sound of my alarm, falling out of bed. I looked up to the sound of my amazing boyfriend laughing at me.

"Shut up," I groaned standing up, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Come on. Let's go get the guys and the girls. We have to go if we want to make our flight," he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Fiiiiiiine" I said dragging out the word, grabbing my bag.

~Skip to Lobby~

"Ian. Text your girlfriend and tell her to get her ass down here," Nicole said laughing who came down with Jason.

"You have to admit, it's a nice ass," Ian said chuckling giving Adam a high five

"I heard and saw that," Jayme said emerging from the elevator walking over to Ian hugging him and burring her face in his chest.

~skip to airport~

As we walk in, Jayme stops in her tracks. "What is it, baby?" Ian asked putting his hand on the small of her back.

She turns around to face us. "The two women over there," she said nodding her head in the direction of two women standing by baggage claim. "That's Chandler's mom and older sister. Just keep walking and don't-" she was cut of by the younger of the two walking over and tapping her shoulder.

"Jayme, is that you?" She asked as who I would assume was his mom walked over.

"Brittany! Hi!" Jayme exclaimed turning around, giving her a hug.

"How are you?" She asked looking concerned.

"Have you heard anything about Chandler?" Jayme blurted out, looking like she regretted asking.

"No dear. We would have told you if we did," the older woman said, touching Jayme's arm.

"Thank you Sabrina," Jayme said, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry about your son, your brother. I never got a chance to say that befor pe because when you first told me, I freaked, dropped the phone and ran. And I'm so sorry I did that," Jayme said full on sobbing now with the two women looking at her with sad eyes.

"It's ok Jayme. And you were going to marry him. We should have sympathy for you," Sabrina said hugging her

"I want you to know I loved your son very much and I still love him, and not a second goes by that I don't think about him," she said to them, trying to compose herself. I look to Ian to see he is a little hurt to see she still loves him. But he understands. "We have to catch our flight," Jayme said wiping her eyes and walking away. Ian running after her.

~Skip to on plane~

By the time we got on. Jayme and Ian were already on the plane and in their seats. I traded tickets with Jayme and Jerome traded tickets with Nicole so they could both sit with their boyfriends. Jayme was wrapped up in Ian's arms obviously better than she was when she was talking to Chandler's mom and sister. "You guys good?" Adam asked as he sat down.

"Yeah we are," Ian said smiling down at Jayme.

"Well that's good," Adam said happily. "So, you guys gonna be apart of the mile high club?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows, earning a punch from Jayme, who got a stern look from the flight attendant.

I laughed at Adam as he rubbed his arm in pain, "You ok dood?"

"Dammit! For a small person, she hits hard!" He complained loudly.

"You should learn to not anger the Jayme," Nicole laughed.

~Skip to TC House~

We had dropped Jayme and Nicole off at their apartment before going to our Team Crafted house so she could work on her portfolio.

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