The next day ~
Annies POV -
Me and katie were walking up the hotel stairs as suddenly we heard someone yelling our name
: katieee annie!
It was Brennan...
Brennan: katie! Annie!
Katie: what's up?
Brennan was out of breath from running around looking for us.
Brennan: i saw... *heavily breathing*... i saw liv!
I looked at katie who looked surprised and then i clicked.
Annie: no, don't worry it wasn't her!
Katie: oh ye there was a girl we met yesterday who looked just like liv!
Brennan: but her friend called her liv...
Katie: ye that was her name... crazy right?!
Brennan: guys you haven't seen liv for years are you sure she hasn't just changed?
Katie: I'm pretty sure she'd remember us though!
Annie: defensive right? And she wouldn't talk to us?
Brennan: sure guys... just be careful ok? Maybe we should all stay together?
Katie rolled her eyes
Katie: just because you want to hang out with annie.
Brennan looked flushed
Brennan: what um no...
Annie: we're just friends katie
I made sure to look at Brennan sharply to make sure he understands that too.
And me and katie walked off hand in hand, we we're talking about-
Luke: yo baby girl and her disabled 'friend'
Someone was coming round the corner so i walked past luke.
Liv: hey y'all!
Katie: heyyyya!
Annie: heyyy
Liv: katie your hair looks amazing!
She was looking katie up and down.
What was she doing?!
Katie did a twirl and liv wolf whistled playing it off by giggling and grabbing her shoulder.
Annie: shouldn't we be going?
Katie: no rush annie!
She smiled. But not at me. At liv!
I walked off, I don't need to be caught up in their flirting!
Katie: an? Annie? Where you off?!
Liv: eh she obviously wants to be alone how bout you come down to the lounge area with me?
She wouldn't actually go. would she...?