Chapter 31

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Livs POV -
I'm so confused annie is talking about a holiday we went on... or i saw her on... or ugh i don't even know
Liv: annie... we never went on holiday together...
Annie: I didn't say that. I said we saw you on holiday!
Liv: annie... no... no you didn't.
Liv: i think you should sit down.
Annie: no.. noo
She was going to faint her head was droopy and she looked tired
Annie: wheres katie?
Liv: katie?
Liv: who's katie annie?
Annie laughed and looked up at me.
Annie: you're joking right liv?
Liv: annie... whos katie... who are you talking about?
Annie: my girlfriend silly!
She was smiling.
Liv: are YOU joking?
Annies smile dropped.
Annie: you really don't remember katie.
Liv: I'm going to phone your mom.
Annie: no! Liv... i know you remember katie! I was missing so you came over because you cared. We've been in a fight for a year.
Liv: ans. I'm here for a sleepover. There's no katie. Your mum is on her way.
Annie: where's caleb and Hayley?
Liv: hayles with your dad and mum shopping. And caleb... is... caleb um... died.
Annie: what!!!
She started crying.
I went and held her.
Until she stopped.
She then looked at me and said...
annie: katie?
Liv: annie... there is no katie.
Annie: looked through her phone.
There was no trace of a katie.
No trace of this holiday i saw her on.
She was going insane.
Annie: what about hayden?
Liv: ooo hayden? Yes! He's your boyfriend.
I said exited she remembers something!!
Annie: no... no... no! I cheated on katie with hayden!
Liv: there is no katie annie... I'm sorry.
Annie: no she... she has to be!
Annie: i loved her...
she whispered curling herself in a ball.
Annie: i loved her.

Annies POV-
I woke up.
In bed.
No liv.
Annie: liv??

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