Chapter 9

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"Peetaaaaaaaaaaa!" Effie beams. I groan as I turn over onto my side. But I didn't notice that I was at the edge of the bed. I find myself sprawled out on the floor with a throbbing in my head. I look up and see the nightstand that I hit my head on.

"Ow!" I respond groggily, rubbing the back of my head with my hand.

"What?" Effie asks from the hallway.

"Oh I-"

"No time!" Effie cuts me off. "Training starts in an hour!" She yells. How has she not woken up all of Panem? I think to myself. For someone who's all about manners, she's pretty loud.

I walk into the dining area and don't see Prim. I'm about to ask about her, but Effie instructs me to eat. I don't feel like arguing with her, so I do. After breakfast, I head back to my room to change. I reach for my dresser but something on my bed catches my eye. I wander over to my bed and peer down. An outfit waits for me already. It's a matching pair of pants and t-shirt. They are black with red and white detailing. I notice the number "12" on my left shoulder. I put it on and wait by the elevator for everyone to get there. The only other person who's there is Effie. Of course.

"So," Effie says, trying to make small talk. "Are you excited?"

I glare at her. "Yeah, I'm really excited to learn how to use weapons so I stand a sliver of a chance in something that I already know I won't survive!" I snap. She just gawks at me.

"Sorry, Effie." I say. She didn't do anything wrong.

"It's ok, I get why you're upset."

A give her a sad smile. "Thank you."

"No problem." She smiles back.

When the others finally arrive, I see Prim has the exact same outfit as me on. She peers at me from the corner of her eye. I smile at her and she returns it with a small grin. The elevator ride is silent. No one can manage anything to say. Even Effie stands quietly, examining her nails. When we finally get there, Prim and I step off of the elevator.

The training room is about as big as the town square in district 12. Everywhere you turn there's a new weapon. Before we can look around too much, a slender woman in a gray jumpsuit summons us to the center of the room.

"Listen up!" She yells, silencing us all. Her eyes trickle over every one in the room, and her gaze falls on me.

"Take your training seriously," she says, turning away from me.

*This is me, re discovering this story that I wrote over three years ago lolll. I noticed a typo and wanted to fix it hehe. Sorry I never finished it, but thanks for all of the love on it* :)

Peeta: in the arena with PrimWhere stories live. Discover now