
22 1 17

0.1  love ?

"mikey don't leave me" the small teen pleaded, following michael around like a lost puppy looking for an owner  "i can't stay calum, you know that."

michael said slowly, turning away from calum slipping his Harley Davidson shirt over his head."michael" calum whined dragging out l.

mikey went over to the his kiwi lover kissing his forehead softly, whispering he'll be back in the morning to pick the lad up for school. mikey took one more glance at Calum before climbing out of the basement window.

calum locked the window and waited for mikey's car to drive away, before curling up in the unmade bed and falling into a deep sleep.


"he says, Oh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges

i'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon

there's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs

and if you wanna go to heaven you, should fuck me tonight"

i hear the familiar halsey song play out of my alarm clock. i rolled over in my bed, grabbing my white and black duvet wrapping myself back into it. once the alarm clock stopped, my mum was in the room, waking me up for school.

"calum, get up," my mum joy said, "you have school, and no, you can't stay home again" she sighed before walking out slamming the door in the process.

i get up, walking into my closet grabbing a pair of back skinny jeans a band tee, before making my way upstairs .

walking towards the main floor. seeing just my mum as my sister Mali , had already set off for school being student body president she had to get to school before everyone else.

i grab a breakfast bar to munch on, while i slip on my black high top converse. i grab my school essentials and rush out the house into michael's old beat up pickup truck.

"hey" he yawned tiredly "did you sleep well?" i replied with a simple "yeah" and turned on my phone going to snapchat to post a selfie.

i choose the flower crown and make a silly face causing mikey to chuckle and shake his head in amusement.

he pulled over three blocks from the school giving me a hug and a simple kiss before pulling off in the opposite direction taking the back roads to school.

i walk up the hill humming along to "memories" by shawn mendes. the tall building began to show more with every step I took.

i walk into the school seeing luke by my locker staring at the new kid named ashton he transferred here last week from the advanced school thirty minutes away.

when he sees me approaching him, he stands up start and starts bombarding me with questions that are more irrelevant than kylie's lips.

"is it true" luke asked "i mean about the michael thing."

i had told him over the weekend that me and michael had talked about our previous affairs. me and michael have been on and off since sophomore year but only luke knew about us.

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