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If you haven't read High School nor College please go read those doesn't make since if you read this one

Marissa Daniels

Nine months later

Princess L'Mani Collins
5lbs and 3oz

March 4th

"She's so small." Ms.Collins said holding Princess. "My first grandchild."

Lucas pecked my forehead. "Thank you." He said. "I love you."

"Where's my granddaughter?" My dad said walking into the room. "Aw she's so precious."

"Isn't she?" I said.

"She's every spit of Lucas and you." Jinaye said.

"How much she weighed?" Liv asked me.

"5 lbs and 3 oz." Lucas said. "Mama lemme hold her."

"Nope boy you know how long it's been since I held a baby." She said slapping Lucas on the back of the head.

"Damn ma she my baby."

"Marissa baby you look tired." My dad said.

"I was in labor for two days what do you think I'm tired dad." I said.

"Alright everybody out let Lucas and Marissa have some time with their baby." Jinaye said.

"Here you go Marissa." Ms.Collins said handing me Princess back.

"Bye bye Princess." Liv said.

After everybody left it was quiet finally. I watched as Lucas held Princess.

"I'm in love all over again." He said smiling at her.

"She is everything." I said. "Now all I need is Axydra but Nate is being an ass."

When Nate found out I was pregnant he went on a rampage saying that it should be his child and shit. Lucas had to whoop his ass again.

"So he won't let you see her?"

"Nope and she's about to be two in three months this nigga is just jealous."

"Well don't worry about that bae get some sleep." Lucas said kissing my forehead.

As soon as he did that I went to sleep. I was really tired.


3 days later...

"Welcome to you castle Princess." I said as we entered our new house.

After Lucas found out that we were gonna have Princess he went and bought a house well we renting it for now.

"Now that Princess is born maybe I can get a job." I said sitting on our bed taking my shoes off.

"Why?" Lucas asked me before he went into the bathroom.

"Because I'm don't want to be home while you at the studio all the time with Princess that's boring. I mean I can go back modeling maybe. I do need to go back to college and finish getting my degree for teaching."

"But babe you need to stay home with Princess."

"Okay for maybe at least four months Lucas I don't want to be in house all the time getting fat-

I got up and went into the bathroom where he was. I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I need to be sexy for you." I said leaving kisses up his back then his neck, then I turned him around and started kissing him. My arms crept around his neck as we kissed in sync.

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