Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was awoken to a loud siren. I heard a loud pounding.

“Vi?! Vi?!?! Are you there?!?!?!” I could barely hear him but I can tell that he was screaming at the top of his lungs. I got up and ran to the door and opened it.

“Noah?! What the hell is going on?!” I screamed.

“I can’t hear you!!” He screamed back. The siren was too loud. I signed it out for him. He signed back that some wolfies broke into the camp. We ran to the kitchen and got some food and water. We stuffed it into our duffle bags. It seemed like it would last us about a month or so. We ran to the Hummer and we were off. I check my watch, it was 10 AM. I slept for a good 4 hours. I checked the rear view mirror to see if anyone was following. It was clear.

“Who were they after?” I asked Noah, after 30 minutes of silence. I wasn’t looking at him but looking through the window.

“Funny…. They were after you Vi.” He said with surprise in his voice. I turned my head sharply to look at him.

“What?! Why?!” I asked frantically. I listed all of the things I’ve done wrong. I only got one thing. I killed one of the counsel members.  “Holy crap. Noah, you know damn well that when someone comes in between me and my fried chicken, it’ll end badly. If I knew that it was a wolfie counsel member then I wouldn’t have broke the treaty.” The treaty was we won’t kill each others races. I saw that he was a counsel member after I killed the man. What?! Like you wouldn’t have done it?!

“Vi, I do know how it is with you and your fried chicken, but it’s not something to kill someone over. Damn Vi, you need to calm down about your fried chicken.” He pulled over so that he could lean over and kiss me. I kissed him back.

“Wait” I said as I pushed him away. “I have a confession; I liked you for such a long time.”

“How long?” He asked curious.

“Since we were 13” I said embarrassed. He looked at me with surprised.

“Get out of here! So did I!” He said smiling his gorgeous smile. I smiled back. He leaned over and kissed me again. We sat there, kissing, holding, and touching each other for 15 minutes. We both pulled back to breathe.

“Damn” we said in unison and then we both laughed. He pulled on to the road and we left. I couldn’t stop smiling, and I saw out of the corner of my eye that he was smiling too. We drove for 3 hours straight.

“STOP! There’s a KFC right there!!” I said pointing.

“Vi! Come on don’t-” I cut him off.

“Hey hey hey! I’m hungry, come on please! We didn’t eat anything for the past 2 days.” Right on cue both of our stomachs let out a loud grumble.

“Damn Vi, I hate how you’re always right.” He said smiling. I smiled back. We pulled into the parking lot. I counted the amount of money. We had 130,900 pounds, 160,020 Euros, and 250,080 dollars.  It looked about enough for 5 years. We went in and we ordered. I ordered a bucket of fried chicken and a chicken burger along with 2 fries and a coke. Noah ordered the same exact thing. We found a table and took a seat. I took a look around; there was no one except for us and the 3 cashier’s. 

“Damn, this place is empty” I said. On of the cashier’s looked at me. He smiled and said;

“Well cupcake it’s only cause today is Sunday, and no one likes to go out on Sunday.” He had a Brooklyn accent.

“Then why are you guys working?” asked Noah. I almost spat out my coke to laugh.

“Cause some people like you guys might come in.” said another cashier. Now she had a little bit of attitude in her voice, but I didn’t mind.

“Where are you guys going anyway…the electric chair?” asked the third.

“No we just haven’t eaten in a while, that’s all” I said a bit surprised that he asked. No one else spoke. Noah and I ate our food in peace and we paid and hour later.

“Thank you” I said with a wide smile on my face. The cashier’s looked at me in surprise. When we went out of KFC Noah put his arm around my waist and I put mine around his. He took out the keys to the car and opened it. I kissed him before getting into the passenger seat. As we entered I looked at my watch. 1:30 PM. Everything happened so fast. The explosion, the flying of Noah, the car and I. Noah landed next to me with a thud. I hit my head and I felt blood oozing out of my skull. Noah got up quickly and looked around. The world started to turn black. I didn’t know if I was dying or passing out. The last things I heard was

“Vi?! Holy crap!! Vi!! Wake up!! Come on don’t die on me please?!” Complete silence.

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