Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Beep… Beep… Beep” the familiar sound from a machine came. I woke up and saw a white ceiling. I didn’t try to get up. I felt a rushing in my stomach. I found a bucket and threw up.

“Vi?” I hear Noah’s voice say in disgust. I was about to look up but then I threw up again. A doctor came in and picked up a clipboard from the front of the hospital bed.

“Mhmm, Ms. Johnson it says here you had a type of poison lodged into your stomach. I sighed. It’s the wolfies again, I thought. I can’t believe that they found out we were in Italy. “Here are some anti-biotics and you can leave as soon as you want.” Noah looked at me as if to say, how in the damn hell did they find us?! I looked back at him saying I have no idea.

“Thank you doctor” I said smiling up at him. I threw up again. I guess I was lucky that it wasn’t any worse. I got up and put my clothes on. As we left the room, I picked up our room key, a notepad, a pencil, and a bottle of anti-biotics.

“Let’s get the hell out of here” Noah whispered into my ear. As we left I felt that someone was following us. I turned and saw no one. I looked from side to side as well, I still saw no one.

“Noah do you think someone is following us?” I whispered. He look around and shook his head. Damn, I thought, I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill. “We need to be more careful about what we eat and what we do.” I felt a cold shiver go down my back. This was weird. I shook my head and continued to walk down the street. I looked up and saw that the sky was clear blue. The weather felt really good. I was happy I decided to wear a tank top. The air was filled with the smell of something sweet. As we walked to the hotel we bought some food. I bought a churro with some ice cream and chocolate sauce. Noah got popcorn. We walked for another 20 minutes. When we reached the hotel we decided to see the mall inside. It was huge! There were clouds above us, there gondolas’ below us and there were stores all around us. It was beautiful. We decided to go on the gondolas’ first. The guy pushing it with a stick sang. I rested my head on Noah’s shoulder. He put his arm around my waist. We laughed, we kissed, and we talked the whole time. I loved being with Noah. When the ride finished we went back to our room. Noah took out the key from my back pocket and we raced to the room. I let out a loud laugh, and then quickly covered my mouth. I giggled. He smiled at me. As he unlocked the door and I entered. I jumped on the bed and turned on the TV. I checked my watch. It was 10:00 PM. Everything was perfect. Everything, except for the wolfies. I found something that was under me. It was a note. Noah was in the bathroom, so I opened it. It was a card. It said it was for me, no return address. Weird I thought. I ripped it open. There was a photo and a note. It was a photo of Noah and I on the gondolas’. I felt my heart beating faster. I was taken by one of those cameras that you can through away after the film runs out. Holy crap, I thought. I read the note. I held my breath. “We’ll get you, that’s a promise.” I still didn’t let my breath out. I began to panic. Noah came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“What is it?” he asked with worry in his voice.

“Noah, they know it, they know we’re here. They’re gonna kill me. I know they are.” I didn’t even bother to hide the fear in my voice, I was just too scared. A cold chill went down my spine. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. It was the first one since I was 12. I couldn’t believe that I was actually crying. Noah came and sat next to me. He put his arms around me. I cried into his chest. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. I cried on for hours. When I stopped Noah kissed me. I checked my watch. It was 1:00 AM. I felt tired. “I think I’m gonna go to bed.” I said my voice barely a whisper. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I changed into my Pajama’s and climbed into bed. Noah was only wearing boxers. I took some anti-biotics, and some aspirin to take away the headache. I rested my head on his chest. We changed the channel to see what else is on. Just news. We decided to watch that. I jolted up when I saw something that surprised me. I snatched the remote out of Noah’s hands and turned up the volume.

“There was a tragic accident today. According to witness’s, the bomb cam e out of no where.” I heard the reporter say. The building was the hospital I was in. It was blown up and torn to pieces.

“Oh my damn” I said out loud. “No, this is bad, this is bad!” I looked at Noah. “We have to leave… NOW!!” I put on clothes and brushed my teeth before I left. Noah put on some clothes and we were out the door. I paid the arrogant receptionist and gave him our room key. We sprinted to a taxi and we were off. “Where to next?” I asked hoping that he didn’t know.

“I don’t know, Spain maybe?” I nodded in approval. I’ve been there before. In Barcelona. It was pretty good. We arrived at the airport 20 minutes later. We went and got 2 more first class tickets. While we entered the plane I took another deep breath. I was hoping that I would stay in Spain for longer then 24 hours.

“I’m gonna go to sleep.” I said as I put my earphones on. My favorite Tyga so played. It as “Far away” featuring Chris Richardson. “Walk a thousand miles just to see her. But she’s far far away….” I fell asleep instantly.

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