Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Noah tapped my shoulder. There was something in his hands. It was a small snack from the stewardess. There was another couple in front of us. The guy looked Indian. He was handsome and tall. The girl looked Italian. She was short but yet beautiful. There was another girl in front of them. She sat alone. She had long beautiful hair. She also looked Indian. She was short yet beautiful, I got a bit jealous of her, because she was amazingly stunning.

“Noah, I have to go to the bathroom.” I said as I got up to leave. Noah moved so I can get through. While I was in the bathroom I realized I looked like a mess. I tied my hair in a pony tail, I brushed my teeth and but a mint in my mouth. As I went back to my seat I saw the couple. They looked about mine and Noah’s age. They also looked familiar. Then it hit me. “Oh my god! Saru? Tina?” I said with excitement.

“Vi?!” they said in unison. They got up and I hugged both of them.

“Wow you guys are still a couple? It’s been 3 years now, I told you it would last for a long time.” I said with a wide smile on my face. I hugged them again. They were the only humans who knew Noah and I were vampires. We’ve known them since we were 10. It was good to see Saru Rohan and Tina Valentina, 2 of our greatest friends again.

“Wow, we haven’t heard from you guys since you went to the camp” Saru said with equal excitement. “Where’s Noah?” He said looking around.

“Right here dude!” Noah said from behind them. Noah had the biggest smile on his face. Noah got up and gave a hug to Saru first then Tina.

“Why are you guys going to Spain?” asked Tina. I can tell she was excited to see us to.

“We’re on the run.” I said in a whisper. Tina and Saru nodded. “Why are you guys going to Spain?”

“We just got a house there.” Said Tina with an even bigger smile. That’s when I saw the ring on her finger. My mouth made a big round shape.

“OH MY GOD!!! You guys are getting married?!” I said jumping up and down Tina joined me. “Is Asha with you guys?” I said. Asha Rohan was my closest friend in the WHOLE world. She was Saru’s twin. They didn’t look alike at all. We called each others sisters. We were just that close. We both had an ankle bracelet with each others name on it. Asha jumped up. I let out a squeal of happiness. “Asha are you gonna stay with them?” Asha nodded. She came out and hugged me. Asha, Tina and I jumped up and down in happiness.

“Can we crash with you guys, just until we find a place?” asked Noah.

“You’ve already found one!” said Saru. I jumped up and down again. This was going to be awesome! Staying with Asha, Tina and Saru.

“This is gonna be just like old times!” I said. There was no one in the world who can kill this happiness. Noah smiled.

“We have so much to catch up on!” said Tina and Asha. We all laughed.

“Attention passengers, can you please take your seats, we are about to land.” Said the pilot.

“I guess we’ll meet you when we get off.” I said. I was so excited to be with them again. Noah and I kissed before we sat down. Asha, Saru and Tina opened their mouths in surprise. Asha stuck out her hand and I saw Saru place a 50 in it. I giggled.


As we entered the gate to Saru, Tina and Asha’s house, Noah’s jaw dropped.

“How in the hell did you guys afford this?” We all laughed at him. He turned red. I kissed him on the cheek. We got out of the limo and Noah and I took out or bags.

“Where are your bags?” I asked Asha. She giggled.

“Everything was already shipped here before we came.” She said still giggling as we climbed the steps. When we got in they led us to the guest room. It was huge! It had 2 king sized beds that we pushed together, 3 leather couches, and 5 TV's. I went to the bathroom. It was huge! There was 3 TV's a huge Jacuzzi and the toilet was behind a door. It was awesome!! I took of my shoes and began to slide across the floors. I went into the kitchen and took out a plate. I looked in the fridge to see if there was anything good to eat. The fridge was full. I took out a huge slice of chocolate cake and took a bite. It was amazing. Noah came in and took out a slice of cake, but he took vanilla instead. He kissed me on the cheek before he sat down. I smiled. Saru, Tina and Asha came in and took out some food. Tina took out a diet coke, Saru a chicken sandwich and Asha took out some salad. We sat, we talked, and we laughed. I checked my watch. It was 3:00 PM. Time flies, I thought. After we finished Noah and I got stuck with washing the dishes.

“Wow it's great that Asha, Saru and Tina let us stay at there place.” I said as I washed the dishes. Noah nodded as he dried them and put them away. He hugged from behind and began to kiss my neck. I kept washing the dishes. He stopped a few seconds later. I kissed Noah and he kissed me back. “Race Ya!” I shouted as I ran down the hall.

“Hey! That was cheap!” He shouted far behind me. I laughed. I slid into the room and jumped on the bed. He slid but slipped.

“Fail!” I shouted as he got up. I began to laugh like crazy. He got on the bed and began to tickle me. “Noah stop! Please STOP!” I screamed through laughs. I kicked his chest. He landed on the floor. “I'm so sorry Noah! You know that when you tickle me that I would hurt you!” I said.

“I know but I love that little snort thing you do when someone tickles you.” He said getting up. I giggled. I kissed him. I got up and changed into my pajamas. Out of no where the song “Angel” by Akon started playing. I looked up to see Noah holding my iPod. He put it down and walked towards me. “May I have this dance?” He said. I giggled and took his hand. He lifted me off my feet, literally. We danced around the room. When the song ended he lifted me and he kissed me. He put me down and I crawled into bed. He came in and turned on the TV. I rested my head on his chest. With out realizing it I fell asleep.

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