1. He'll Pay For What He Did

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Mikey's nose was dripping with the reddest blood, he was unconscious against a locker. The world was a blur as soon as Frank Iero decided to strike the innocent boy. Nobody bothered to help.....


Pete was supposed to meet up with Mikey after school, Mikey was about thirty minutes late. Pete felt like punching a brick wall and watching it shatter into ten billion pieces, Mikey was always late, got on his every last nerve.

Pete checked his phone, hoping his best friend had at least texted some kind of half ass excusable reason to as why he was late. He didn't, which was kind of concerning to Pete. Pete walked back into the school, walking carefully through the now mostly empty hallways.

He felt in his gut that he shouldn't just walk home, Mikey would of texted him something at least. It was also not a chance Mikey could be mad, Pete did nothing wrong.

Pete finally found Mikey, not the way he wanted to. Oh boy, he was pissed. His blood began boiling up like a volcano. He picked the skinny little weirdo he loved so dearly up, he wiped off his bloody nose.

"Jesus Mikey.... What have you got yourself into?" "Whoever did this to you I hope you know they're dead as soon as I see them." Pete sighs, all he wanted was to go home. He poked Mikey's cheek. "Hey you, sleeping beauty, get up."

Mikey's eyes flutter open, he then clutches onto Pete. "I f-fucking hate Frank Iero!" Pete looks up and groans in frustration, nobody liked Frank, well nobody meaning all the guys, the chicks were obsessed with him.

"That's the last fucking time, I'll make him pay." Pete says before walking Mikey over to Mikey's house. He placed Mikey onto his bed. "Are you okay?" Mikey nods and tries to shove Pete away, "hey I'll be fine, did Gee come home?"

Pete nods, "I think he's in his room, why?" Mikey pushed onto Pete's elbow, trying to get him out, Pete was always clingy when it came to this sort of thing. "Go get him for me."

Pete finally left Mikey's side to knock onto Gee's door that was down the hallway. Gee was getting dressed, he had piano lessons to go to soon. "Just a minute Mikey!" He shouts, pulling on his baby pink laced dress and white thigh highs.

"It's Pete." He corrects the boy. Gee finally finished putting his outfit and he opened the door up. "oh? What are you doing here...?" Pete sighs, "Frank Iero beat your brother up again." Gee then made a face mixed with frustration and anger. "I've never met this boy, but I've heard he's trouble...."

Pete nods in agreement before looking down at Gerard's girly frame, his hips, his dress, his small shoulders. All of the sudden he gets an idea. He chuckles a bit. "Gee will you help me with something?" Gee nods, not sure what Pete wanted help with. "Sure, with what?"

"I think you very well know way over half the school thinks you're female and you never correct them, also your name is Gee on roll call, you don't go to gym." "Right?" Pete spoke with a devilish smirk. Although his plan had a fifty- fifty, maybe much less, percent chance of working; because Frank wasn't a huge romantic type and relied mostly on sex.

"Yeah, why?" "What does that have to do with anything??" Gee said narrowing his eyes, trying to figure out what Pete was getting at. Pete tapped Gerard's shoulder with a big smirk, "I mean you can be bait, Frank skips third period to have a smoke, that's your free period right?"

Gee nodded, although he was still very confused, he still didn't understand what Pete was trying to tell him. "What about my free period and Frank Iero??"

"I want you to talk to him, pretend you're a girl, be sweet to him, he lives for that shit." Pete said, now crossing his arms, "you'd do that for your little brother right? If we get Frank to like you and then show him you're a boy he'd be so embarrassed, it would strip him of all that cocky pride." "He deserves it, after all."

Gee then bites his lip, looking down at his dress. "Are you sure it'll make Mikey happy?" Pete knew Mikey didn't like hurting other people's feelings but he really didn't care.

"I know it'll make Mikey happy, it's so simple Gee, all you have to do is call Frank 'Daddy' and kiss his cheek, you'll have his attention for sure, he eats up the sweetness like it's fucking air I swear."

Gee grabs the hem of his dress, clutching hard onto it. Thinking about what Pete was saying. "D-deal...." Gee reaches out for Pete's hand, shaking it quickly before running out so he wasn't late for piano lessons.

Pete then returned to Mikey's room, Mikey looked up at Pete. "I told you to get Gee, where is he?" Pete shrugged, "he had piano lessons to go to, don't you remember?" "Plus you only wanted me to fetch him so I'd get off your back for a minute, I know how you work."

Mikey chuckles softly and opens his arms for a hug. "I guess you know me too well at this point." Pete wraps his arms around Mikey, holding him like he was the most precious gem in a sea full of diamonds.

"You're my best friend Petey." Mikey whispers, Pete strokes Mikey's hair. "And you're mine..."

**The next day at school**

Mikey didn't return to school due to the pressure so Pete was practically breathing over Gee every chance he got telling Gee everything that needed to be done. Telling Gee how to capture Frank's attention and all that.

Gerard wasn't a hundred percent sold on the idea of tricking someone who was merely a stranger to him but Pete insists that revenge is a need at this point and Gerard just took his word for it.

Gerard had his white and black stripped shirt on over a pair of overalls. He wore a face of makeup like a normal girl would, lipgloss, winged eyeliner and the smallest amount of blush. His shoulder length black hair in curls. This was normal to him.

Gee went on with the day like normal, talking to about nobody but the teacher. He didn't have friends, he was too nervous to make any. Gee looked down at his feet as soon as the bell for third period rang. Pete looked over at Gee from the nearby hallway and gave him a head nod, Gerard returned to favor and walked outside.

Pete went on to his third period class while Gerard nervously looked around for Frank Iero, having a strange feeling about seeing the troublesome boy for the first time. He wanted to give up the search before coughing because of the strong smell of nicotine and smoke.

He looked to see none other than Frank Iero himself. He's a lot better looking in person than on the yearbook that's for sure, he thought.
He cleared his throat and chuckled, "h-hello..."

Frank looked over, putting the cigarette out on the brick wall. "Hey sweetheart, don't believe I've seen you around before." He smirked, "Freshman?" "Sophomore?"

"Sophomore." Gee clarified, looking down nervously. He tried to remember what Pete had told him. He walked closer to Frank.

Frank smirked as Gee got a little bit closer to him. "How old? Fifteen, sixteen?"

"Turned sixteen in April." He began biting his lip and looking up with doll eyes to give off an innocent appearance. "Ah, name?" He seemed to be enjoying Gee's presence.

"Gee Way."

Frank chuckled at this, "wait... Mikey's older sister?", "didn't think she would be so attractive." He winks, taking out another cancer stick, offering it to him but he declines.

Gerard blushes a tad. "y'know..... I forgive you for what you did to him..." He pulled onto his overall straps nervously as he lied. Frank smiled, he then threw his arm around Gee. "If I knew his sister was this gorgeous, I'd be asking for advice." He placed his hand under Gee's chin, smirking pleasingly.

"What's your sign, baby girl?" Frank winked, he really was cocky, it caused Gee to giggle. "It's Aries, daddy." Gee winked back. Frank licked his lips as Gee called him daddy. "I think I'm gonna like you..."

//This fic looks bad with the watermark so I'm just gonna not have one//

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