The incident

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*Natalie's P.O.V* 

We were in our dressing rooms and all of us were ready except Cal, her being the nicest person lets everyone go ahead of her. She finally came in with her hair in a curled ponytail and a band shirt with converse.

She came and sat on the couch next to me looking a bit off. "Are you alright Cal?" I said as she started tapping her drumstick on her leg which she only does when she's nervous. "I just have like, this weird feeling about this concert for some reason. It's probably just me having an off day though." You could tell she was trying to ease her discomfort to comfort but it apparently was not working. 

"Hey the concert will be amazing. Just like the other concerts. I am sure everything will be fine." Lizzy told her in a happy note trying to make her less concerned. 

"What will be fine?" Micheal asked walking in the room with the other boys filing in behind him the spreading around the room. 

"Oh nothing, Cally just has a weird feeling about the concert. She's just worrying to much though about it." Carly told them glancing at me a couple times. "Hey don't worry love, I am so sure this concert will be bloody brilliant. What could go wrong?" Ashton told her trying to do a British accent but failing, which made her burst out laughing. Ashton looked happy with himself for making her laugh which in all made her look less concerned. 

After it quieted down everyone started just talking in their own groups. I was talking to Calum, Lizzy with Micheal, Carly with Luke and the one I kept glancing at was Cal and Ash. Both of them were laying with their backs propped up against the couch laughing and talking with their legs some what on top of each other. 

"They are literally made for each other aren't they?" Calum said snapping me out of my gaze. "Yea they are but they are too blind to see it. Even though it's obvious they like each other though." I told him fixing my gaze this time into he sea of brown eyes. Calum turned toward me a little more this time and I turned his way so that we were fully face to face with each other. "SO do you like any one from the band?" Calum said looking at me with curiosity. I blushed and turned away with the matter being I did. 

"Ohh you do! Who is it! Tell me plz!"

"No Cal I am not going to tell you! Maybe after you get off stage we have to go on soon."

"Oh come on we have all the time in the wor-" He didn't get to finish as, the stage manager cut him off. I laughed and told him "You were saying" In return he just glared playfully at me before getting up then helping me up. We then met the girls and guys at the door. 

"Good Luck!" Calum told me as we headed down to the side of the stage to get our instruments or in Cal's case her drumsticks. We did our routine huddle and chant then for a change Cal went out first holding her drum sticks up in her left hand. She sat down at her kit and shouted "Are you ready to rock Nates, France!" 

The she started her beat which signaled us to go out  onto the stage. The crowd cheered even louder as we did our intro then began the first song of the night. 

*Skip to Ending Goodbyes of the concert* 

"Thank you so much Mantes you have been an amazing crowd tonight. Before we let 5sos take our place we have this tradition for at the end of each show we throw something of our choice singed by one of us into the crowd for one special person to get." The crowd getting exited cheered as one by one we each through our items into the crowd. My item being a guitar pick I signed. Carly's being a note she made out that had kind words on it, Lizzy's being a Medium sized card stock paper which had our band name and logo on it that she had written jokes and her name on. Lastly Cally had a Drumstick that she put 'Lost together forever and Always" on with her name after it. 

We had all already through our stuff to the crowd all but, Cal. She wanted to through it as back as he could she was walking down the long catwalk in the middle. She was laughing and smiling then she walked almost to the last part of the catwalk when she kinda fell through a trap door like thing on the stage. We all looked at each other before setting our instruments down and running down the catwalk with only one thought on my mind being 'What the hell just happened'

*Cally P.O.V*

It was not even a minute ago when I was up on stage smiling freely reading to through my drumstick out to a fan when out of no where I fell through a trapdoor like part of the stage. It apparently was like a extra stage  supply closet for extra pieces of the stage like blots and extra metal pegs for the risers on the stage. As I fell down I bumped into one of the shelves that had most of the parts on it, making the stuff  on it fall on me. 

Most of it missed me except for the metal pegs which unfortunately landed on my left leg weighing down so I couldn't get up to climb out. A bolt also scratched my upper right arm which cause it to start bleed luckily that was just a little scratch and I was not worried about. My main focus was the metal pegs on my leg which you could imagine being super heaving having to be able to hold a lot of weight. 

"Oh my gosh are you okay Cal?" Nat asked looking through the hole at at me. 

"Mostly but I can't get up there are metal pegs on my leg weighing it down and it hurts a lot!" 

"Ok I'm going to get help so hang on!" Nat told me trying not to panic. She got up and I could hear her feet running back probably to the side of the stage. 

I was getting really hard to focus as the pain kept getting worse. I was starting to see black spots over my vision as the pain got worse. I could hear the sound of keys then a side door opening and the last thing I see is a head full of curls with a bandanna coming toward me moving things out of their way as they went. 

That was the last thing I saw before I completely.Blacked.Out.


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