▸ August 31st

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"Naruto, what the hell did you do?"

"So you don't like it?"

"I'm just surprised." Sasuke admitted, "Why would you dye your hair?"

"Don't know," She shrugged. "But I decided not to dye it completely, just the ends."

Naruto surveyed herself in the mirror, letting her fingers get tangled in the blonde-red mess. Her blue eyes looked to the side of the mirror where Sasuke could be found standing in the door way of the bathroom with a small smile on his face. "What's with the smile?" She asks, turning back to look at him

"No reason," Sasuke said, coming closer to the mirror as she turned back to marvel her hair.

"Do you like it?"

"Only if you do," He responded.

She scoffed and faced him as he was found next to her, "I want your honest answer. If you don't like it, I'll dye it back."

"That is my honest answer."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, I like it. At least I think I do," She said pulling a lock of her hair, "Sakura talked me into it."

"Did she also talk you into getting your nails painted or was that all you?"

Naruto looked down at her nails, which were acrylic and now painted beautiful shades of orange. "So you noticed."

"I always notice." He said, taking her hand, "Especially when it comes to you. Besides, this isn't like you."

"What's not like me?"

"The whole being girly thing."

"So I can't act like a girl?"

"You can, but your normally don't. And when you do, I know something's up. Getting you nails painted, dying your hair. I even saw a pair of heels by the door when I walked in."

"Those could be anybody's."

"Size six? I don't think anyone could compare to your small feet."

"Okay fine," She admitted, "I admit, this isn't me. The whole dying my hair thing was so weird, and these nails–I hit one of them earlier and now it feels like someone's sawing my nail off. It's all so new."

"Then why are you doing it?"

Naruto mumbled something incoherent.


"I said I've been feeling a little–just a tiny bit– insecure."

Sasuke choked on air then, "You, Naruto Uzumaki? Insecure? Do you realize how many times a day you call me from work just to remind me that I'm dating the sexiest person in Konoha?"

"I don't do that.."

"Oh really?"


"Sasuke, about time you picked up."

Sasuke sighed, "Naruto, what is it? I'm at work right now."

"I know, I just wanted to tell you some interesting facts about your life that you probably didn't even know."

Sasuke was interested then, "Continue."

"Well for one, Did you know that your dating the sexiest person in Konoha?"

"I'm fully aware of that."

"I'm glad that you finally agree."

"Naruto, go back to eating ramen."

"How did you know I was eating ramen?"

"You always are."

"Okay, you win. I'll hang up now."


"–After I tell you that you're dating the sexiest person in konoha again. You are."

"Bye Naruto."

"Bye Sasuke, I love you."

"I love you too."


"Ok so you have a point."

"Why are you feeling insecure? Wait, is this because of the pregnancy?"

"No..." She said, looking down.

"You're lying."

"How can you always tell?"

"I don't even have to tell if your lying or not. You're so bad at it."

"Ok, so what if I am feeling a bit insecure and want to doll myself up to make me looked better –and sexier," She adds a hint of a smile forming on her lips before it disappeared, "Than ever before."

"You have no reason to feel insecure," He stated, "Because wether you're a month pregnant, several months pregnant, or not at all, You'll still be the same Naruto."

She sighed, the smile returning. "Thankyou."

"For what?"

"For being the bestest boyfriend I've ever had."

"One, bestest isn't a word. And two, you're very welcome."

"You know what would make you the bestest boyfriend in Konoha?"


"Making your girlfriend instant ramen."



"I don't wa–"

"Oh come on Sasuke."


"A good boyfriend would do it."

"Ok, fine."

Tiny Humans (femNaruSasu)Where stories live. Discover now