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(Flashback) Emma's arrival))

{«Regina»} Two weeks before Emma

Once I find a stopping point in my paperwork I let my eyes to the clock above my office door.


As I'm quickly putting my feet in the stilettos I discarded hours ago, I'm stack my finished and non-finished forms in separate piles. Once I'm satisfied with my desk I grab my handbag and head towards the office entrance. Digging through my purse to find my key to lock the door, I hear my assistant clear her throat. "Is there something you want to say, Ariel?"

She sits in silence and points to the keys in my hand.

Such a peculiar girl. The redhead had a gorgeous voice truly, But in this world she was born mute. In the other world, I took it. "Oh thank you dear." I give a weak smile and she returns it.

I twist the key in the lock. Sealing off my work space. I give one last look at the Mayor's door before turning on my heel and head outside towards my car. Pulling my phone out of my bag I look at the time to make sure I'm not late.


'Twenty minutes? Damn.' Silently cursing at myself. I quickly get into my Mercedes and race towards the school. "Fuck fuck fuck. I'm so late. Well I'm a queen and a mayor so I'm not late.. but it's for Henry. Damn it." I quickly change lanes and pull up to the elementary school.


"Four minutes. Come on Regina we can do it." I inwardly cringe at my self-pep talk.

I park the car and rush into the school to Mrs. Blanchard's room. I'm overwhelmed with the sound of screaming children and gossiping parents as I creep closer to the room. I stop just before my presence is seen at the doorframe. As I tug at my jacket and smooth out wrinkles in my dress, I mentally prepare myself to act like I'm enjoying this. Nose in the air, shoulders back, I walk confidently through the classroom door. Soon the loud conversation was muffled into quiet whispers and wide eyes.

"Madam Mayor, nice of you to finally join us." A small perky brunette chirps.

Mary Margaret. Quite annoying. The pixie cut woman stood to about my cheekbones with my heels on. Her fair skin was almost blinding. Her lips, naturally stained red, were always pulled into a tight smile. Though she's always been pathetic, even more so in this world.

"I had important matters to take care of but I'm here." I look around the room and find my little prince.

Quickly my facial expressions soften and a smile tugs at my lips.


My whole world. The only person in the world who can make me truly happy. My little handsome hero. The small brunette's eyes brightened when they caught glimpses of me. "Momma! Over here I saved you a seat!" He jumps up and down patting the seat.

I giggle and shake my head.

I have so much love for him.

(Day of Emma's arrival)


I end the day as usual. Neatly the stack of papers, put my shoes back on, lock the office, and say my goodbyes to my assistant.

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