Chapter 5 - The Letter (Anxiety)

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The envelope was strange. It was not addressed to Annie, Anni, or Princess. Why was the envelope addressed to me instead of the me in this world? My fingers trembled as I slowly opened the envelope. Several pages of yellowed parchment fell out onto my lap. The black ink, made me settle in my seat. Finally I felt relaxed.

Dear Anxiety,

I don't know what has brought you here, but you are here. It means your body is healing back home. It's best to take advantage of your time here. Things don't transfer well between worlds. I should know, despite being here several times due to your predecessor, the thing's I have wished to change still haven't back home.

Maybe I should try to explain more to you. By the time you end up here, I will most likely have been here several more times. I assume you know how are world works with Thomas's at this point. The mindspace is the land inside Thomas's head. Similar to that effect, the kingdom's are the mindspace inside all of us emotions. You'll never meet the girl who helped me get here a couple times. Your predecessor, Carefree, was able to relax my mind enough to send me here when I needed a break from Prince and Logic's antics. The two have argued for a very long time. As long as Prince came into Thomas's mind.

She led me here and sometimes I still visit, even though she's gone. It once was my escape but I have formulated letters should any of you ever visit for any reason. Unfortunately, the most logical reason for you being here is that your body needs to recover from something back in our world. The healing process is easier for you to go through if you're not in your own body to experience it. I don't know what happened to you but I feel it's necessary to leave you with a handful of little things to remember while in this world:

1) You each have a place in here. Prince is Prince, Logic is Carl Fredricksen from the movie Up, My children are Alice and Robin Hood, Pranks is Peter Pan, Misleading Compliment is Mowgli, Thomas is Mickey, Stitch is himself, Stewie is Hades, Goofy is himself, and I am Mike Wazowski from Monsters inc. I don't know why this is what it is, but it just is.

2) You are Princess Anni. It's unclear who exactly you're based off of, but the best guess I can formulate is that you're a combination of Snow White, Mulan, Belle, Jasmine, Aurora, and Eilonwy. In this world, you work for peace and have come to be known as the most adventurous and important princess in all the land. (Who knew, right?)

3) You have been dating Prince for at least 2 years now. All the kingdoms know that you are in love and they're anticipating a wedding will happen in the near future, they just don't know how long it'll take. Prince didn't want to rush you and there's a stereotype here that once you get married you can no longer go out on adventures, that's what your knights are for. (So basically I'm saying that I've known you've had hidden feelings for Prince for over two years!)

4) Over the years you have gotten multiple enemies. I will spell out their weaknesses for you here:

A ~ King Wallace (Worry) - He will be difficult for someone such as yourself to defeat. His traits are similar to a lot that fits in your job description. His weaknesses are his family, throne, and wealth. If any of these leave him, it will be easy to trick him into banishment or to retain him in the dungeons until you are able to free Prince.

B ~ Queen Korey (Lust) - She craves the best of everything. Offer her something that is the best and she will drop whatever she's doing for the item offered. Not to mention she's obsessed with her own image and being the fairest of them all. She's like a combination of the evil queen, the queen of hearts, and Ursula. I would say it will be difficult to take her down, though not impossible.

C ~ Prince Illijah (Illness) - Talk to Baymax, Jane, Mad Hatter, Rafiki, Dr. Doppler, the Blue Fairy, and Yensid. They all know a little something when it comes to the art of healing. A boy who is sickness incarnate will be stopped easily if you have the right tools from the aforementioned helpers. (See, I totally know big words. :-p)

D ~ Princess Sasha (Fear) - Fear is easy to get tricked by. She can drag you down to her level fairly quickly, but I don't worry, she's not that difficult to take down. She's slow to think up new techniques when her plans fail and her own emotions can be used against her. Find her fears and it will be easy to stop her.

E ~ Prince Grimlin (Cruelty) - Now here's the difficult one. He has determination that matches Prince's, which you know is saying something. His only goal is to destroy you. Save him for last. You'll need every single one of your friends to defeat him. I can't say much more than that. It could ruin this world. We already worry that more problems have started because of Alice's knowledge of both worlds.

5) There is magic here.

6) When you wish to return and you think enough time has passed do this to get back home: Smile real genuine and let your magic take you home. I would say you can feel free to come back when you're healthy but I don't think you'll need to.

From Your Awesome Dad,


I looked at Alice slowly and she smiled softly. Her eyes were blue and had the appearance of being both dazed and highly intelligent. Her waist was slim and her hair was yellow, save for the ends which were slightly brown, just like the daughters hair in my own world. A light purple dress was draped over her body and a white apron was secured around her waist. She turned to me and took up my hands in her own.

"Nobody else will know that you're not from here. You have the same mannerisms as your counterpart and have the same goals to achieve set in mind. Annie doesn't like talking to others much either. But you both listen. It's just like Morality said while he was last here. That was quite a while ago though. Nobody notices the differences when he's here. We don't know why I notice but I do. My brother doesn't even believe me, but that's fine." she trailed off and I tried not to let my eyes droop too heavily, but it was no use.

"Can you sing something?" I whispered softly, not feeling secure without my tunes playing while I was overtaken by slumber.

"Stay awake, don't rest your head

Don't lie down upon your bed

While the moon drifts in the skies

Stay awake, don't close your eyes

Though the world is fast asleep

Though your pillow's soft and deep

You're not sleepy as you seem

Stay awake, don't nod and dream

Stay awake, don't nod and dream" As Alice's song came to a close, my eyes firmly shut. There was a steady beat I was hearing. It was unnatural, like a heart monitor in this bizarre world. Yet the carriage seemed to beat along to a similar tempo and it made me rock further into the welcome arm of slumber. Alice was still humming the song. His words came to my head and supplied the title of it to me softly. It was "Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins. He loved that movie. It was pretty good in my eyes.

*Sorry I haven't been updating as quickly as I had hoped. I didn't expect to blow up as much as I have been. I mean Don't Let Me Break More hit 1K readers today and I screamed. My parents looked at me like, what the heck but it was so worth it. Thanks for reading all I have to offer so far and I look forward to writing more for you in the future. In the meantime, happy reading!*

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