Chapter 8 - Thomas and Logan's Idea (Logic)

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*Sorry about the delay, I've been busy. I wanted to post this before I go to prom tonight so here's the next installment, happy reading!*

[I can't believe Morality kicked me out of the hospital room. He used his scary voice too. I wonder what was so important for him to tell Prince in my absence. I've noticed that Morality doesn't like to do things without me or against me. Thomas had to trick Morality into doing a video with him that involved us arguing too much inside his head. I wonder why he likes me so much. That may be something I should study in the future.]

I was walking through the mindspace, ignoring the cameras that the news vans were trying to get into my face for an interview. When I did accidentally glance in their direction, malicious grins were painted on their faces and all I could do was glare over at them. They seemed to only slightly shrink under my gaze. That was fine with me, as long as they didn't try to pull another little stunt.

It seemed to take a long time for me to get to the common building. When I got there, the kids were all snuggled up in the main room on the couch. Morality's children were present as long as Misleading Compliment, Pranks; along with Thomas's imagination, a kid named Fantazie. He changes his appearance often, but tends to look similar to the rest of us.

"He's not awake." the one girl within the mindspace spoke up softly. I still don't know her name, I suppose it's alright since the others don't really know her name either. I think only her Dad knows.

"I can see that. How's he doing?" I asked in my normal monotone, questioning the answer she would supply me with.

"He's rather emotional right now, but he won't tell us what happened without one of the key emotions in attendance." the girl spoke softly, her voice soft and delicate, a contrast to almost everyone else up in the mindspace.

"Should we wake him?" Misleading Compliment yawned, it was way past his bedtime after all.

"Probably. He'll be getting more sleep in the near future without Anxiety here, not that that'll be a good thing." I murmured to myself. Misleading Compliment had a frown on his face as he snuggled up back into Pranks side. I pulled the girl into Thomas's human world and started to speak to him.

"Thomas. Thomas!" I called our host, trying to get him to awaken from his slumber.

"Huh, what's going on? What's she doing here?" Thomas questioned at the sight of a personality that didn't normally make visible appearances.

"I want to be a part of this too." the girl answered, managing to sound both soft and delicate along with determined.

"It's fine. What happened today Thomas?" I questioned, figuring I should just get on with it and not waste my time on pleasantries or any such nonsense.

"Well, you guys were all out doing other things and Anxiety was watching me. We started out in here; er, my world. Then I made him take me to the mindspace cause I wanted to see where you guys live and stuff. So he took me through and we toured around the city for a bit until Prince almost caught us outside this ice-cream shop. Then we made our way to the common building. As I was crossing the street a news van just comes out of the middle of nowhere and it's headed right for me. So Anxiety pushes me out of the way and as he's getting hit, he sends me back here. That's all I know." Thomas spoke it all in rapid succession and I turned to the side to think about what he had just revealed to me.

[I could tell he was holding out some details of their trip around the mindspace but I'm guessing that was more personal, so I don't comment on it. Instead I think for several minutes, my mind flipping between several emotions. Which is still more than I normally experience... Anger was the first I experienced. Why the hell would Anxiety take Thomas into the mindspace? That's dangerous and reckless. If anything happened to Thomas in here, we don't know what would happen to Thomas in his own world. Then came the guilt. Something did happen while they were in here. It just didn't directly happen to who I would have thought it would happen to. Given Anxiety's luck, I'm surprised they both hadn't suffered serious physical injuries. Fear. What would happen to our host if Anxiety doesn't recover? What if we never get to reassure him that he means something to us? He was always worried about how we felt about him. What if the doctors are wrong and his body gives up on him? What if Prince never gets the chance to admit his feelings?

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