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  Hunk, Keith, and Lance are best friends. They met when they were eight, and now even at twelve their bond is still strong as ever.

They decided to meet at their usual spot, under a large tree on a hill. Hunk smiled to himself as he held the three packages close. He got matching keychains for the three of them. Little lions with a rhinestone embedded on the top, a different color for each of them. He got Keith red, Lance blue, and himself a yellow one.

Hunk waved to his two friends when he spots them. They smile brightly and run down to greet their best friend, both with questioning looks to the packages that Hunk was holding.

"Keith! Lance! I got us all something!" The young boy said with a bright smile. He handed each respective package and watched with a grin as he held up his own keychains, to show that they all had one.

"Woah thanks Hunk!" Lance thanked, giving his friend a hug, and pulling Keith, who was lightly thanking Hunk, but was too nervous to show it as much.

The three twelve year olds smile brightly at each other, their keychains a promise of their friendship.


No one is really sure how it came to be. It was deemed an accident, but even then, no one really expected it to happen. One second the road was empty, and next second someone screamed, and he was just utterly gone.

The day started normally as ever. Hunk, Keith, and Lance were together. Keith and Lance were waiting outside of a store for Hunk. He said he had something to get, and that he'd be right out. A few minutes later, Hunk came back out, he was carrying ice creams, and had a bright smile on his face.

"I made it your favorite colors! Come look and see!"

Next thing they remember, is that they were walking along the sidewalk, Keith had his bag at his side, his keychain rested on his bag, twinkling in the light. They were licking their ice creams; talking and laughing. Lance had playfully pushed Keith on the shoulder, but apparently it was more of a shove, as Keith's ice cream slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Lance cringed "H-hey Keith I'm sor-"

He was cut off. Keith, being as impulsive as he is, responded by pushing Lance back, resulting in Lance's own frozen treat to fall to the ground with a splat. Then the two began arguing and shoving each other.

Hunk reached out a nervous hand, he didn't like it when his friends fought. Hunk saw something shiny snap off of Keith's bag and tumble into the street. Their keychain! Ignoring any other thoughts, Hunk threw his cone to the side and rushed after it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he had it safe in his hand. Then he saw a shadow begin to pass over him.

Lance saw it as he fought with Keith. His blue eyes bulge and he screams.

A lion-shaped keychain goes flying in the air.


Hunk opens his eyes. He feels cold, and empty. He has no idea where he is. He sees a black box nearby and walks towards it. Theres a picture frame on top, and flowers surrounding it. He sees his picture.

'I'm dead?' Hunk questioned. The last thing he remembers was Keith and Lance fighting, a shadow..and pain. Hunk figures he should care that he's dead. But for some reason he doesn't. He's standing alone on a monochrome stage. Theres no chance of running from this. Its like some sick tv show.

He hears a choked sob from behind him. Slowly Hunk turns around. He still can't feel anything. Even at the sight of his two best friends standing their, heads lowered, wearing all black.

"It's all my fault..." Hunk hears Lance begin to mutter. "IT'S ALL MY FAULT" Sobs erupt from Lance, and he covers his eyes with his hands, as a way to try and stop the flood of tears. Next to him, Keith looks at him with wide eyes, his own cheeks damp from crying.


Lance and Keith barely talk anymore. After the incident they've begun to grow apart. Hunk knows this, he's been following both of them since. He knows that neither of them can see him. Even so, Hunk, empty as he may be, assumes that he's still around for a reason, and whatever that reason may be, he knows that it has to do with his best friends.

It was raining today, and Keith forgot his umbrella. He looks up at the grey sky and the rain that poured down. He hears voices nearby and saw Lance, and someone else. Pidge, if Keith remembers correctly. Both were walking out of the school with umbrellas in their hand.

Hunk watches as Lance gives Keith only a glance, before ignoring him completely, in favor of walking with Pidge. Keith's hand twitches, he looks away and ran off into the rain.

And Hunk followed.


Its been seven years, and Hunk feels as empty as he did when he first woke up from being dead, and he hasn't aged a day. He sits in an alleyway nearby Keith's house. Hunk looked over and saw Keith. It was time to follow again. Hunk stood up to follow again. Keith's grown a lot since they were kids. Keith has grown to be a good looking young man. He was nineteen now, and sometimes, in Hunk's cold mind, he hears a part of him question what would have happened if he was still alive.

Keith looks at the board that told him what his dorm room number was. Keith's eyes lingered for a moment. The board was decorated with small lions.

Keith began walking, and Hunk followed.

Keith took a deep breath at the door, and opened it. A dark skinned boy turned to look at the newcomer.


Keith's eyes widen and he turns and does the first thing he can think of. He runs. He scowls as he ran, remembering the incidents of the past, when he felt a hand grab his wrist, stopping him. Keith quickly turns. Blue crashes with violet. Lance looks lost. Tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry..."

Keith looks at Lance with surprise.

"I'm so sorry.." Lance repeated.

Tears that Keith didn't know were there begin to fall. He turns completely and takes Lance's hands in his own. They fall to their knees and sob into each others arms. The mantra of apologies escaping from their lips.

Hunk watches, he feels a familiar warmth in his chest. He feels the tears drip down his own cold cheeks.


Keith and Lance stand under a tree. Their hands held tight in one another. They smile and laugh, talking about old times. Keith shows Lance that he turned his fallen keychain into a single earring, and it takes everything Lance has to not say how hot he thinks that is. In turn, Lance shows Keith that he turned his keychain into a necklace. The two boys sit next to each other on the cold grass. Keith has his head resting on Lance's shoulder.

Hunk walks up behind them, still twelve years old. His eyes full of life, and a smile on his face. His entire body feels warm. He looks down at his hands to see them beginning to fade. Hunk smiles sadly. He wishes he could have more time with his best friends. He wishes he was still alive. But this is probably for the best. Hunk wasn't sure what would have happened if he stayed for any longer. Maybe he would have been an empty shell for the rest of eternity.

Hunk looked back at Keith and Lance. They looked happy, and they obviously loved each other. Hunk could't have asked for anything better. He notices that he's almost completely gone. Hunk sends one last smile to the people he cares about the most.

"Thank you."

Hunk closes his eyes, and then he's gone.

He's at peace.

Song: Reboot; JimmyThumb-P

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