I Will Protect You

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"Ugh!" I grunted as I received another punch from Taeung. I fell on my back as I breath slowly "What? You're dead already? You're no match for me Byun Baekhyun" I heard him said

I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. I look around for any weapon and manage to see a bat. "How come you're a toppdog in your University?" he scoffed as he sit me up by my hair and that's when I hit him with the bat

"Ahh!! You bastard!" he fell on his back as I stand up. I punch him on the face until I see blood on it.

I was about to leave the dark alley until he called me "This is not over yet, Byun Baekhyun. Tomorrow night, your gang and mine. 5pm sharp. Let's see who wins" I turn my head and face him

"We'll be there Jo Taeung. And I'll make sure you're going down" I leave him there lying on the ground

One day later



Finally! The bell ringed. I fixed my things inside my bag. I went outside and started to walk

I enter an alley on my way home, as I turn on my left I noticed that there is a fight.  I was about to leave until someone pulled my wrist and put his arm on me.

"Stay there Byun Baekhyun!" I heard the guy said "Or else I will hit her" I notice his other hand holding a bat "Please don't hurt me" I pleaded the guy infront of us. I notice the guy froze a bit.

"Let her go Jo Taeung, she has nothing to do here" the other guy said

"Awww is Baekhyun caring for this girl. You're really weak Byun" Taeung-guy said "You're the one who is weak, dragging a girl when your​ gang is down. You can't accept that you lose"


"Let her go!"  I said again but he didn't seem to understand me as he held the girl closer to him "I will if you tell your gang to leave me alone after this" I scoffed of what he said

Guess he's afraid

"Fine then, now let her go and run for your life" I said as he threw me the girl and ran "Boys, you know what to do" I said to my gang, Exo as they followed Taeung

I looked at the girl looking down scared. She is shaking a little.

"Hey it's alright now" I said to her. She looked up to me in the eye as I stared at her "Kamsahamnida, a-ah I n-need to go now" she ran fast as she could exiting the alley breaking our eye contact and waking me up.


I am never going to that alley again. My God, I could almost die or something.


I am currently walking to school. I go under a bridge as I saw a guy smoking while leaning to the wall.

The guy looked at me and I realize that he's the guy from last night. He smirked and walk towards me.

"You're the girl from last night right?" he asked as smoke came out from his mouth "Please get out of the way" I said to him. I was gonna pass him as I heard him scoffed and throw his cigarette. He push me to the wall by my shoulders

He pinned me with his hands as he gets closer "You're not that bad. In fact you're hot and beautiful" he smirked pervertly "Please, let me go" I pleaded him as I shrugged uncomfortably

He looked down and I followed his eyes and realized he's looking at my legs "Yah! You pervert! Let me go!" I shouted at him but that doesn't seem to affect him. His eyes continue to travel around me.

He put his face on the crook of my neck as I felt his hot breath. "You smelled nice" he said as I felt myself disgusted by his words. "Let me go!"

As I was trying to get away from his grip, he was suddenly thrown away by someone. I looked up and saw the guy who saved me last night.

"I thought I said to stay away from her" he said "Do you even know her? Come on Byun Baekhyun you don't own her and I found her first" that pervert guy said. What the heck?

"I don't care just go away from here. You don't own her as well" the guy said as he pulled me with me

When we're​ already far away from that pervert, he let go of my hand and face me.

"Are you alright?" he asked me "Ne, thank you again from saving me" I thank him

"No, I'm sorry. It's me who he wants that's why he bother everyone" he explained "It's okay" I smiled at him and he smiled back

"Oh, how impolite I am. My name's Byun Baekhyun" he offered me his hand "Kim Taeyeon" I said as we shake hands


I stared at her smiling face as we shake hands. I was is dazed that I didn't realize that I was shaking her hand too long. She cleared her throath awkwardly that make me let go her hand.

"O-oh I'm sorry" I scratched the back of my nape "No, it's okay" she said as she smiled brightly at me

Again, I was amazed how beautiful she looks when she smile.

"I have to go now. Annyeong Baekhyun-ah" she said as she walk away

I suddenly feel an urge to protect her. To keep her by my side, away from danger. Away from Jo Taeung. I jogged towards her as I called her.

"Oh, Baekhyun-ah wae?" she asked as she faced me and smiled brightly. Yeah why did I come here?

"A-ah let me walk you then. We're just going on the same way" I said as I started to walk with her by my side. As we walk, I suddenly held her hand.

I was nervous that she will feel uncomfortable, but I feel excitement when she hold my hand tighter. I blush at the thought that we're walking hand-by-hand.

I will protect you Taeyeon-ah

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