The Princess and the Knight

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Unknown's POV

I was walking along the path to the Leopard Castle with a annoying milita of guards by my side, more like all around me, when all of a sudden a huge boom sounded in front of me. Naturally the guards started going into "ADHD mode" as I called it, and dashed forward to see what caused the loud boom. By the time I got there, Leon had already thrown a spear, like the idiot of a general he was, at a white wolf.

Shield's POV

Now, I bet you're wondering why I said the spear was three inches away from me. Well, the answer is I have an IQ of 301. Impressive right? But back to where I was. It appeared that I was on top of a cliff in a jungle of sorts. As I looked down I saw a large group of leopard ferals (anthropomorphic animals)
In lightweight gear equipped with spears. At least I knew where the spear came from. "What do you think you're doing on the princesses path?" one leopard, who I took to be the general, sneered at me in a voice that Tempo described as to sound like Draco Malfoy (I have no clue who that is, all I know is it's from one of his dimension's movies). I decided to be nice and say

"My good sir, I had no clue this was an important place to be," I then decided to be a smart-alik and say, "but as ya can see I ain't on any path." It only angered him more when I said that.

"That's it snowball, you asked for it!" he yelled as he prepared to throw another spear at me.

"Leon, you fool!" I heard a feminine voice shout, "of all the rude things for you to do you decide to attack an unarmed minstrel!" she had appeared now, and I'm ashamed to say she was kinda hot. She had gold and brownish fur with black spots, and was wearing a leather tanktop with a leather skirt. If Tempo was here he would have complemented her sense of fashion.

"Thank ya kind feral, much appreciated " I said to her as I jumped of the cliff in front of her and held out my paw, "names Shield, nice ta meet cha!" I said a bit too enthusiastically. She was about to shake my paw when that guard stepped in front of her.

"Keep your filthy paws away from the princess!" He yelled at me.

"Leon, no need to be so over protective, he was merely introducing himself " the princess said to him.

"Look, Leon was it, I had no intentions of harming her" I tried to explain to him until I saw him give a terribly hidden hand signal to his group and they started to surround me. "Look there's no need to try and sneak up on me, if you want to take me into custody than ya can," he looked a bit annoyed that I figured out his plan. At that moment I noticed a bolder rolling off the cliff twords the princess. "Not on my watch!" I shouted as I rammed the princess out of the way of the bolder, causing it to land on me.

The Princesses POV

All I remember is being annoyed at Leon and then pushed by a large force. I heard a thud and looked behind me to see that a bolder landed behind me. Fearing the worst for that Shield feral I shouted his name. "Shield!" I called, but got no response from him. All of a sudden the bolder shattered, revealing a very pissed of feral.

Shield's POV

As I punched the bolder into more than a million pieces, my eyes went a dark, dark blue. It was one thing to insult me, but try to hurt a innocent fe-ral
(female feral)
was something I could never tolerate. "All right, now ya've done it!" I shouted and launched myself up the cliff face at a frightening speed. As I landed, someferal tried to shoot me with a pistol, but I swatted the bullet aside, and then proceeded to stab my paw through his shooting arm. "Ya got some nerve try'en ta kill a princess with me around," I said with a voice that could kill.

"B-boss is g-gonna kill you for ruining this" the panther stuttered. His fear tasted great.

"Now ya lis'en real good panther, ya gonna go ta ya boss and tell him I ain't afraid of some scaredy cat," I said letting the venom flood from my voice. I then removed my paw from his arm and let him run off in fear. After our "conversation" I let my eyes go back to normal and jumped down to the princess.

The Princesses POV

I had no idea what happened up there, all I knew was Shield was pissed as fuck. When he jumped down from the cliff he walked up to me, grabbed my arms, and asked me with the softest tone I had ever heard, "are ya okay princess?". "I am fine," I blushed at this question, his paws felt good on my arms. He opened his jaw like he was about to say something but Leon came and pushed him away and yelled

"you are going to the king to be judged!".

"Leon!" I shouted, "he saved my life"

"You know just as I do princess, the law states he must be judged and he shall," Leon said in his jerk voice.

"S'all right princess, I shall obey your laws," Shield said the last part mocking Leon's voice so perfectly it was creepy.

"Fine," I sighed and we started going to the castle.

"Pisst," Shield whispered loud enough for Leon to hear him, "what's cha name miss?"

"Lily," I replied to him.

"Lily," he said like he was deciding how to say it, "nice name." And with that said, they continued walking to the castle without saying another word.

Well that's done for now, if you want me to write about Shield's other adventures please leave it in the comments. Peace

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