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Shield's POV

As I was walking through town I realized something strange, there wasn't a single human in this town. Oh wait, I forgot, Tempo said that this universe had no humans. Well my mistake.

"We're here, mutt" Leon said tiredly. First off, if Lily hadn't warned me and asked my not to kill Leon when he said that, he would be dead, and second off the trip was like twenty miles, why was he so tired?

"Well, why don't cha show me in" I said sarcastically, which only made him more angry. The door opened and we walked into a throne room where I saw the king with who I assumed to be his advisory. Now it was no wonder the throne room was so close to the front of the castle, cause the feral was a beast (no pun intended) he was buff and looked like his daughter, with gold-brownish fur that had black spots. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, they both had intense green eyes. Anyways, back to where I was, I walked up to the king and bowed. I know Leon was worried cause I heard him take a spear out of his quiver       (did I mention how novel it was to have a spear quiver). The rest of the guards bowed as well while Lily went to her father's side.

"Leon, why do you bring this minstrel to me?" the king asked him.

"He has broken the law my lord," Leon answered.

"What has he done?" the king asked him in his, how to describe it, manly, yet soft and royal voice.

"He has put his hands on the princess," Leon replied. When ya say it like that, it sounds like I hurt her or something.

"What!" the king yelled as he looked at me with hate. I remember that look all to well.

Lily's POV

Leon was really pissing me off now. "Father, Leon is making it seem worse than it really was, Shield put his paws on my arms and asked if I was okay after he had saved me from a panther attack," I told him with my voice full of loathe for Leon. Damn did he piss me off.

"Oh, so he put his paws on your arms did he," I knew he was joking but I still blushed, "ha-ha, I was right, you do like him." I looked at the ground blushing intensely when I saw something that almost made me laugh. Shield was blushing. "Leon my boy, I know why you got so worked up but, Shield was it?, is not guilty of any crime," my father said to Leon.

"What about powers without papers?" Leon asked  quickly, trying to pin some crime on Shield.

"Hmmm," my father thought, "that's a good question, Shield would you please answer that?"

"Certainly, your majesty," Shield replied, "it's quite simple, where I come from we ain't got a need ta have our powers put on paper,  of course I ain't from around here so sorry bout not follow'en your laws."

"Where do you come from Shield?" my father asked him politely, unlike Leon.

"Well, I come from a secret village hidden in the clouds, at least I used ta," Shield replied, his voice filled with none of the pep I had seen in it before, "if ya don't mind I ain't in the mood ta talk bout it."

"That's alright Shield, I can tell you've been through a lot and you're not ready to tell me so I'll respect that for now," my father told him.

"Thanks ya very much ya majesty's, much appreciated," Shield thanked my father. Leon was about to say something when my father spoke.

"Shield, if you don't mind I would appreciate it if you could show me your powers," my father told him.

"That ain't a problem king sir" Shield replied jumping out of his bow and forgetting he was talking to a king, "when and where is all I need ta know." I don't know when I realized it but for someone so lean and cute he was surprisingly hyperactive.

(Small time skip cause I got ta finish)

Still Lily's POV

we were in the training yard now where me, my father, Shield, Leon, and all the guards were waiting. My father's face was priceless as he watched just how immature all the guards were, which to be fair was how they always acted off duty.

"All right Leon, what was one of his powers?" my father asked him.

"I know he's a brute, but that's all I know my lord," Leon answered with mischief in his eyes, "so I decided to see if he could move the largest weight we have, above his head, with one paw." There it was. I really wanted to shout 'Fuck you Leon'  but if Shield completed this task I would no longer have to marry Leon, which was a major plus.

"Seriously,  that's all I have to do?" Shield asked, even though it was more of a statement than a question, "this (pause) will be easy."

"I wouldn't get so cocky, mutt" Leon said as he pressed a button on a device I had never seen before. All of a sudden tiny needles erupted along the weight.

"What the blazes?!," Shield shouted his blue eyes wide with surprise, "that (long pause) is still easy." Leon yowled with laughter.

"Good luck mutt!" Leon was still laughing. Fucking worthless bastard. His laughter was cut off as Shield lifted the weight with his fore pad and thumb pad.

"What the fu-" I cut myself off cussing in front of my father. Leon however did not.

"What the fuck!" Leon yelled, "how?!"

"Well this is awkward" me and my father both said at the same time.

"Guess you're gonna get what you want" my father said to me. Leon was just staring at Shield as he preformed tricks with the weight as the other guards cheered, but my mind was elsewhere. I was getting married, to Shield.

Well (cracks fingers) that was a bit more time consuming than I would have liked, but it's done. Also I would like to shout out to my friend Raindove7 for writing an awesome story and dealing with my terrible puns. As always, PEACE.

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