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That Monday after the party everyone at lunch was talking about what happen.

"So i guess the guy who was shooting was the boyfriend of one of the girls who was fighting." Kendall stated as more of the dancers sat down at the table

"And y'all was gone get us shot too!" i jokingly snapped

Kendall laughed, "Wasn't no one aiming at you girl, mad ass."

"Man, bullets don't got no name my guy." i said

"Hey y'all!" Lanna yelled sitting down at the table. She didn't have an actual lunch just some hot cheetos and nacho cheese.

"Lanna yo bun falling down." Leena pointed out to her.

"My bun?!" she cried reaching up into hair realizing that some of her zillions were in fact falling out of her bun. "Uh, oh noo what is falling out?" her voice at that point was shaking, "I don't even know how to them back uuppp." This girl was actually crying. i mean red eyes and tears cry.
"Can somebody help me please?" Lanna continued to cry looking around the table.

"Come on girl with yo dramatic ass!" Leena laughed getting out of her chair grabbing Lanna's arm.

"And that's my cue!" i said leaping up from the table making to the lunch room's back doors.

"Where you headed young lady." one of the lunch aids questioned me

"Bathroom." i responded still looking down at my phone. There were only about five studs in the whole school not including me since i dressed kinda girly or unisex. i figured they'd be in the senior's bathroom, what better spot to be gay other then the girl's bathroom?

"What's up Taggs?" i heard someone say. Looking up from my phone i saw Jordan and Vee standing next to the circle shaped mirror. Jordan and V were best friends and have been since V came out last year. Jordan was the cool laid back one and the mack daddy player out the two of them. V on the other hand was not! As we called her a 2011 drake ass nigga, but she was goofy and cool too, so she was my nigga.
They were almost always together in or out of school personally i think it was because V liked Jordan, but that was just a theory of mine.

"Just who i was looking for." i smiled giving dap to Jordan than V. "Yo this freshman was blankin in there, i had to dip."

"Man, guess who house im going to todaaayy?" V said a little to happily



"Ayyee, you gone be in thereee like swim wear!"

"You already know how i do!" V laughed
"Sike nawh let me stop because she be playing."

"She better get it together." we laughed as the bell rang ending lunch

"Man i really don't wanna get changed for work." V whined as we walked out of the bath room and began walking down the hall. "What you doing after school?" she asked me

"Uhm Cortez said he was staying after because they hosting a Fun Run tournament during the dance team practice for the cheese, so ima stay for that." i replied as we stopped at Naja's locker. Naja was Jordan's main girlfriend and was also V's best friend since middle school. So everyday we would a go to her locker after lunch, not surprisingly Jordan never came with us. Naja was bad and when i say bad, i mean BAD!! She was one of the coldest girls in the school and i was pissed when i found out she was going out with Jordan because when i asked her last year if she was gay she told me no so i'm salty about that. We chatted with her for a second then i headed to class.

After school i continued my usual routine and met my brother at his locker. We left the school and went to the Wendy's that was down the street. After most of the staff had left we returned back to the building and made our way to the lunch room where the dance team was practicing. Besides the girls a few of my guys were there playing Fun Run, either losing or gaining money. It had to be the end of their practice since no one was dance'n but the music was still playing. I went and sat next to TJ.

"What's up chicken head why y'all ain't practice'n?" i asked

"We did already now we just chill." she responded

One of the guys stood up and walked up to TJ and hit her straight in the leg. "Oh hell nawh!" she screamed, "Quit playing!.. Bestfriend helllp."  Morgan jumped up out of her seat running up on Carlos squaring up. Carlos, or Los as we call him, was one of my bro's i met him through my bro Chuup they lived together. I jumped up squaring up with Morgan causing her and TJ to back down.

"Bag up off my mans B." i said licking my lips and ending in a smile. Us squaring up caused a ripple effect girls vs boys, Oh! and me of course. i don't even have to say it, but we all know the Boys won!

"Taggs youua trader!" Tj whined while limping back to her chair

Morgan adding her two cent, "Right how you gone be I the boys side don't come sit at our table for lunch either."

"Awh don't be mad y'all lost next time pick the right team." laughing i was walked out front doors of the lunch room i had to go pee so i jugged to the junior's bathroom since it was the closest. When i came out Leena and Lanna were sitting on the marble West Ocean's High School plinth talking.

"Why y'all out here?" i asked Leena

"No reason, they just doing to much in there." she said laughing

"I see your bun is doing fine." i jokingly said to Lanna

"That's not funny. Don't be laughing at me!" she yelled at me. It was the first time i noticed how pretty her eyes were.

"I like your eyes."

"Thank you." she said batting her lashes

"Gurrrrl stop it. Why you ain't go to the party?"

"I don't like parties like that really." she said sitting back down on the plinth.

"So what do you like then?" i said cheesing. Before she could answer the a teacher came out from one the near by class.

"Hello ladies. What are you guys still doing here?" she asked.

"Hey Mrs. Raeb, we're gone the dance team." i responded.

"Well why you guys out here then." she questioned more.

"We got a 30 minute break, we're dancing hard in there Mrs. Raeb." i looked back at Lanna and winked

"Oh well okay y'all have good night ladies don't stay too long." she said walking to the back of the building.

Cortez and some of the other guys walked out of the lunchroom. I didn't notice that how late it had gotten, even though it was only about 6 in the evening that's a long time to have spend at the school. We said our goodbyes and headed home. At about 9:37pm i got a text from an unknown number.


Even though i didn't know who it was i had this thing of mine where i would just text the person until i figured out who it was.

"Heyy wyd?"

"Nothing just finishing doing my homework i'm laying down now. Wbu?"

"Homework is for nerds lol. & nothin watching cartoons."

"This Taylor right? lol"

"Lmbo no this Taggs."

"Wow really i thought was Taylor's number. This Talanna lmao!"

Who the fuck is Talanna?!? Wait! Oh shit! Her real name is Talanna this Lanna! How did she get my freaking number? Ha! i don't even mind it thou..

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