2.Shop 'til you drop!

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I woke up on an early Saturday morning. Mary-Anne was probably still asleep, as usual.

She often, well always, stays up the whole night and then sleeps until 1, or 3pm. 

She once got up at 10pm, I wasn't at home that day, because I had a date. You just, have to keep your eyes on her... she's like a child.

Even though I am younger in human and vampire years, I am the responsible one here.

Seriously, if I'm not by her side, who knows what would happen.

I first went to the bathroom.

I am used to the zombie I usually look like in the morning. I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy ponytail and washed my face and teeth. You can just say, the morning routines.

I then went downstairs and walked in the living room. The TV was turned on, on SpongeBob... That wasn't as weird, as the thought of Mary-Anne being awake... Boxes of ice cream all over the floor, and Mary lying on the sofa.

"Mary-Anne?!" I said surprised "Are you awake at 8am?!"

She turned around, ice cream in hand and her hair and make-up were a mess. That was unusual for her, those two things and her outfit were always done and tidy. a-l-w-a-y-s...

"How many ice-cream boxes did you eat?!" I said while picking the boxes from the ground.

"I don't know... five." she said it more like a question, than an answer.

"You ate five boxes?! These are huge boxes Mary-Anne!"



Jesus Christ woman! I get it that you love ice cream, but slow down! - I thought to myself. 

I snapped the ice cream box right out of her hand.

"Michael broke up with me..." 

"HE WHAT?! THAT SON OF A BITCH!" I started yelling and I slammed the ice cream boxes, that I had earlier picked up, on the floor, again. 

I sat on the sofa next to her and hugged her.

And she was... chuckling?!

"Were you joking?! Cus it's no-"

"No... it's just ironic and hilarious." she said with her watery eyes, but with a grin on her face.

"What is?" I asked her confused.

"Well he's a werewolf, such as his mother, so technically he is a son of a bitch." 

"You're an idiot Mary, you know that?!" I said giggling and snuggled my head in her shoulder.

The day passed away, by simply watching movies and stuffing ourselves with more and more ice cream, lying on the sofa, under a blanket... and me, just comforting her.

And maybe she feasted on the pizza delivery boy... and i had to go and dispose of the body... lovely, right?!

I can't lie and tell you, that I didn't offer her to go and torture him, then rip his heart out and throat off... But she didn't accept my proposal.

I'm just sick, of watching people hurting her and breaking her heart over and over again.

At least I revenge those morons who dump me.

She became so fragile and so easily breakable, because of him

Which is really strange, she gives her all to the guys, but they don't and in reality she's actually so sassy, sarcastic and at times she could be a real bitch... Well... it is in her blood after all.

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