#1 How You Meet

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Finnick- You sighed and ran a hand through your hair in frustration. You had been trying to trade the rabbit you shot while you were out hunting and nobody wanted to trade with you. You decided to try one more house and so you knocked on the door of a persons house you didn't know. You looked up in surprise at the painfully good looking guy standing in front of you. He smiled at you.
'Hey, how can i help you?' he asked politely. You tried to hide your red cheeks with your hair. 'Um..i was just wondering if your parents maybe wanted to-to trade me something f-for this rabbit', you stuttered. He smiled softly at you.
'Well, i don't think they need a rabbit-', he began. You sighed and started to walk away when you felt a soft grip on your hand.
'Wait, THEY don't. But i'll trade you', he said gently. You widened your eyes, and wanted to protest, but your family was starving and you needed this. 'Ok, thanks', you mumbled. 'No problem', he said. He was way too generous and gave you a lot more than was necessary, and you were very grateful. 'Well, i'd better go. Thanks a lot', you said shyly.
'Wait, i never caught your name', he said. 'Do you really need to know?' you asked him. He shrugged. 'I don't need to, but i want to. I'm Finnick', he said, extending a hand. You bit your lip and shook his hand, feeling currents go through you just by touching his hand. 'Y/N', you whispered.
He grinned at you. 'Well, hopefully i'll see you around Y/N', he said, winking at you.

Peeta- You were in school learning about the history of Panem and you were soo bored. You looked around and was shocked to see your crush Peeta staring at you. You blushed and ducked your head, pretending to be very interested in your table. The bell rang signalling the day was over and you jumped out of your chair relieved. But of course you being your clumsy self, you tripped over your own feet. Just before you hit the ground, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you. 'Thank you', you said, looking straight into Peeta's eyes. Your heart beat sped up a little, but then he let you go. You started to walk away but he caught up to you and tapped your shoulder.
'Hey, i'm Peeta', he said, smiling as he introduced himself. 'I know who you are', you blurted out. Your cheeks went red as you realised what you said. He smiled smugly.
'Really? Have you been stalking me Y/N', he said playfully. You shook your head, and then stared at him. 'Wait, how did you know my name?' you asked him. Now it was his turn to blush. 'You told me', he said smoothly.
'I did not', you protested. 'You did', he said, looking at you like you were crazy. You rolled your eyes at him.
'Listen, i've got to go. But i'll see you tomorrow babe', he said, smirking at you as he ran away. You walked home with a smile tugging at your lips, and you hadn't smiled in months.

Gale- You were out looking for food for your mother and your little brother, when you heard someone whimpering. You were going to ignore it but your gut told you to follow the direction of the noise, so you kept walking until you saw a gorgeous boy about two years older than you, curled up in a ball. You bit your lip and crouched down next to him. 'What's wrong?' you whispered. He looked at you, looking but not seeing.
'I-I haven't eaten in f-forever', he managed to tell you. Your eyes welled looking at him, he was so helpless. You were starving too, but you weren't near as bad as him, he was hours away from death. So you fished into your pocked and took out some bread you had and gave it to him. He shook his head and feebly pushed it back to you. 'That is-is yours', he said. 'You have it. I'm hunting but i'll be back soon and i will have more food for you', you mumbled reassuringly to him. You quickly ran away from him and found anything edible you possibly could find, and then you rushed back to the boy. He looked a bit better after reading the bread but he was still really really sick. He stared at you in amazement as you shared everything you found with him. He ate quietly, and when he was done he could finally talk properly.
'Thank you so, so much', he said, leaning in and hugging you tightly. You were surprised but secretly happy.
'It's no problem. Are you ok now?' you asked him. He nodded. 'I'll live, thanks to you. You saved my life miss. What's your name?' he asked curiously. 'Y/N. What's yours?' you asked him. 'Gale', he said, smiling at you in a way that took your breath away.
'Well Y/N, I'm going to have to pay you back for saving my life', he told you. 'And how are you going to do that?' you asked him curiously.
'I'm going to take you out on a date', he said, smiling gently. 'I'd love that Gale', you said shyly.

Note- Hi everyone, that was my first preference, i hope you liked it? Please drop me a comment and let me know :) <3 xoxo These are also mine on quotev, I didn't steal them  :)

P.S I made none of these characters, all rights go to Suzanne Collins :)

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