#4: He comes home after winning the games

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Finnick: You bit your lip anxiously, but you were so excited. All your dreams came true when you watched your boyfriend win. He was the best out of 24, and you were beyond proud of him. You walked into the room where you were told he was, and when he saw you, a big grin stretched across his tired face. He ran over to you and pressed his lips against yours. 'I love you so much Y/N', he whispered against your lips. 'I love you too babe. I'm so proud of you!'you said, hugging him tight. All the worry an stress you had when he was gone was now replaced withrelief and joy. 'I'm never leaving you out of my sight again', he whispered in your ear,making shivers go down your spine. 'That's fine by me', you mumbled, reaching up and kissing him again and again.

Peeta: 'I never thought I would be so happy to see this old place', he said to you happily, gesturing  to your old house. Looking at him, you felt so overcome with emotion that you started sobbing. Your fiancée looked at you  surprised and ran over to you, his arms enveloping you in a hug. 'I missed you so much Peeta', you cried into his shoulder. He stroked your hair soothingly and tilted your chin up, so you were now looking into his eyes. 'Hey baby, don't cry. I should be the one crying, not you', he murmered, wiping away your tears with his thumb. 'Im sorry my hormones are justflying all over the place', you said. Peeta looked at you sympathetically. 'Period?' he asked. You shook your head and giggled. 'No silly. Pregnant', you informed him. You were completely surprised when you watched your fiancée, the huger games victor, faint right before you.

Gale: You and him were in a dark room, and he hadn't said a word to you since he saw you. Not a kiss, a hug, or even a smile. But you were expecting it. You were unbelievably happy and relieved to see him, but it broke your heart to see your boyfriend like this. 'Killing people is hard Y/N', he whispered, taking a shaky breath. You bit your lip and looked at him, taking his had and giving it a warm squeeze. 'Do you wanna talk about it honey?' you asked him. He shook his head and you nodded. 'Gale, I love you more than anyone or anything in the world, ok? I can't even begin to imagine what you went through in that arena and I will never be able to. But whenever you're ready to talk, i'll be here to listen, I promise', you said, gently. Gale looked down at you, and suddenly he let go and broke down, bawling. You cradled him like a baby, and he held onto you like you were his life. 'I missed you so damn much babe', he cried into your neck. 'I missed you too sweetie', you said, kissing his head.

A/N: Hope you're enjoying these, it would mean the world if you voted or commented! :) <3 xoxo

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