#10 You die in the Games

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Finnick: And he is at home, watching it. He watched the girl throw a spear straight into your stomach, watched you fall to the ground. 'I l-love you F-Finn', you whispered just before you took your last breath. When he heard that he broke down, crying like a baby. 'Why?' he screamed, punching the air. He turned away from the telly screen as they took you away. The pain was almost unbearable for him. 'I love you too baby', he mumbled, just as he felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces. And he was never the same after you died, never. The happy, caring boy walked around lifeless, with a broken heart that was way beyond repair.

Peeta: He left you alone for a few minutes, looking for some food. But you wandered off, and when Peeta heard the cannon, he had a panic attack. He ran around, looking for you frantically. Then he say you. On the floor, lifeless, with a pile of poisonous berries in your hand. he picked you up and carried you away, refusing to believe you were gone. When they forced him to give you to them, that's when he let it sink in and he fell the floor in a crying heap. The pain he was feeling at losing you in such a way was unbearable and was killing him, and it took all of his strength to not eat the berries. He kept going for you. And he won the games, because you were watching over him all the time, keeping him safe. Nothing would ever fill the hole in his heart that was there when you, his precious Y/N left him, but he refused to give up, because he knew that you would hate if he did that.

Gale: He was right beside you, watching as it happened. He tried so hard to fight off the strong boy who was trying the kill you, and he did manage to kill the boy, but not before he shot an arrow in your chest. Gale spit at the boy in disgust and walked over to you, cradling you to him. 'Sssh, Y/N, you're going to be fine babe, I promise', he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.  You shook your head, smiling weakly at him. 'I'm not going to make it Gale', you whispered. He was about to protest, but instead he just hugged your body close to his. 'I'm sorry I couldn't save you baby', he whispered, squeezing your hand. 'You've saved me more times than you'll ever know. I love you', you whispered, a tear rolling don your cheek. Gale gently brushed it away. 'I love you too sweetie, so much', he mumbled, kissing your forehead. But you were already gone. And when you died, a little piece of him died as well.

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