#6 Your first fight

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Finnick: Finnick rushed through your front door, panting. 'Are you all right babe?' he asked, out of breath. You nodded and smiled. 'Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?' you asked, slightly puzzled. 'Y/N, you rang me like twenty times!' he said. 'Yeah, because I haven't seen you in a week, and I was worried about you', you told him. His face reddened and his hands clenched into fists. 'Y/N, you had me worried sick. And all because you're a clingy bitch', he yelled. You stepped away from him as if he had slapped you. You couldn't stop a few tears rolling down your cheeks. 'Get out', you said, quietly, pointing to the door. Finnick calmed down a small bit and looked at you with wide eyes. 'No Y/N, I'm sor-' he began, but you stopped him. 'I said get out!!' you screamed at the top of your lungs. You watched as he slowly walked away, and you fell to the floor, crying like a baby.

Peeta: 'Y/N, we need to talk', your boyfriend Peeta said to you. You looked up at him curiously. What about?' you asked him. 'Us. Y/N, you haven't been the same since you came home from those games. It's like your not you anymore', he said to you. You felt your blood boil with anger and you glared at him. 'Are you for real Peeta?! I killed so many people I those games, I murdered people, and the only reason I did it was for you. And now because I'm not constantly cheery, you think I've changed. Well maybe I have. But you're the one who fucking changed me', you yelled. Peeta's eyes darken and he gave a cold laugh. 'You know what? Y/N, you aren't the fucking girl I fell in love with, so I'm just gonna go', he spat, standing up and storming out the front door. You curled up on the couch and cried like a baby.

Gale: 'Babe, I'm going hunting, will you come with me?' your boyfriend asked you. You yawned. 'Sorry Gale, I'm really tired. Is it alright if I pass?' you asked. 'Not really', he mumbled, but you heard him. 'What?' you asked. His jaw hardened. 'You are so lazy Y/N! When are you gonna get up and do something?' he shouted. You couldn't believe your ears. 'Oh, sorry honey, but I can't exactly hunt when I'm pregnant', you yelled back at him. He stared at you, his mouth hanging open. 'Y/N, what did you just say?' he asked you quietly. You shook your head. 'It doesn't matter anymore Gale. You are such douchebag', you shouted, running upstairs while you ignored him calling your name.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading these, it means so much to me!! :) <3 xoxo

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