Chapter 6 : Jade's POV

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"Can we play blind man's buff?" Cat asked

"Yeah very good idea to play this in a forest!" I exclaimed

"Why not?" she pouted

Is this girl really stupid or does she do it on purpose?!

"Cause you will hit yourself in the trees and bushes if you can't see where you're going Cat!" I explained with an annoyed ton

"But I want to play a game!" she said like a little child who wants an ice cream

"We can play Truth or Dare!" Robbie exclaimed suddenly

Yeah, what's a good idea! Playing this game with a teacher... Even if Sikowitz isn't a normal teacher, he still doesn't have to know all the thing we confess during such a game! These guys are really stupid sometimes! Yell, the majority of the time but anyway...

"Sikowitz, don't you want to explore the forest to find some coconuts while we pause to play a few games?" Tori asked

Did that girl read on my mind? Or she just isn't as dumb as the rest of the gang and thinks in an intelligent way. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, Sikowitz believed her when she said there were coconuts in the forest and he left us alone to find some.

"Can I begin?" Cat asked, very excited

"Whatever" I mumbled

"Yeah! So Tori, truth or dare?" she asked

"Hmmm, Truth!" she answered after thinking about it for a few seconds

"Why were you staring at Jade when she was changing in the tent?"

"Yeah Vega" I added "Why were you staring at me? I mean, I know I'm wonderful but still!"

She didn't answer and looked at the floor very embarrassed. I love making her uncomfortable! She's so cute when she is embarrassed! Did I just say cute?! Really Jade?! Okay, she's a very attractive girl but Jade West doesn't think of someone as cute! Anyway, why was she staring at me? I never saw Tori staring at anyone, she thinks it's not respectful and all ...

"So Tori?" Cat asked, interrupting my thoughts and getting my attention back on the game

"Do I really have to answer that question?" Tori asked shyly

"Sure! That's the aim of the game!" Beck exclaimed

"Okay" she sighed "I was staring cause..."

"Because?" I asked her to continue

"C'mon guys, everybody knows that Jade has a wonderful body! If you were here, you would have been staring too!" she defended herself

Oh, so little miss perfect thinks I have a wonderful body! I never thought someone would say that one day, even Beck never said that... But Vega did it in front of the whole gang and she seemed to really mean it! I would never say that to anyone, especially her but she is not that bad! In fact she's beautiful but anyway, I have to concentrate on the game!

"Dare!" Shapiro answered to Tori

"I dare you to throw Rex's clothes in a bush for the whole game"

He looked at Rex, don't knowing if he should do it or not

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this! Unless you want me to tell everyone what you do every night before going to bed!" Rex threatened

"Shut up!" Robbie yelled at Rex "Okay I cannot do that" he added, turning to Tori

"Sure you can" I exclaimed "Or are you afraid of a puppet?" I asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer

"Okay I've an idea" Tori said "You're allowed not to do the dare but you'll have to cook the dinner by yourself today!"

"Kay..." he sighed both relieved and annoyed to have to do the dinner plus the washing up "Andre truth or dare?"

"I think I'm going to take Truth!" he answered

"When are you going to ask that Northridge's girl out?"

"Chris? I already asked her out, we're going on our first date as soon as we come back for the camping!" he said happily

"Oh that's good! I'm so happy for you!" Tori exclaimed, hugging him

God, I'd love to be him in that moment! Being hugged by Vega must be so nice! Okay Jade concentrate!

"Rex! Truth or Dare?" he asked

Okay, since when this fucking puppet is playing the game with us?!

"Dare!" he answered confidently

"I dare you to tell us the things Robbie does before going to bed!"

Oh, that should be interesting! Robbie telling us his secrets! Because, let be honest, the puppet doesn't speak by itself!

"Every night, before going to bed, Robbie reads a fairy tale from his giant book. Then he eats a spoon of mayonnaise and sings a lullaby for himself to chase the nightmares!" he explained us

"Didn't you just say that?!" Robbie shouted, shocked "I didn't throw your clothes on a bush! You couldn't say that!"

"Sure I could! That was my dare and unlike you, I'm not a coward so I did it!" he replied

They argued, once again, and once again, Rex had the last word.

"Black beauty!" the puppet called turning at me "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I answered with a defiant look

"Okay so, I dare you to kiss miss rainbows and miss cheekbones then you'll have to tell me who's the best kisser" he exclaimed

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