Chapter 10 : Tori's POV

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"Yes, I love you Jade" I said, turning at her with a shy smile

I did it, I just said that I love this wonderful girl in front of her! I'm both relieve and stressed right now, what if she doesn't love me back? Which is probably the case because she's Jade and ... Anyway, you know what I mean! But the way she acted in the forest was so not her and, after all, maybe there is a possibility of her loving me back so here is my chance!

"Jade are you okay?" Cat asked worriedly

She didn't answer, and she didn't even move. For the first time of my life, I saw Jade shocked! Like really really shocked! I waited a good 5 minutes but despite Cat's attempts to make her talk, she didn't say a word and kept staring at me. I couldn't stand it anymore so I get up and exited the tent despite the pain caused by my ankle, the answer was pretty clear, she doesn't love me back....

"Tori wait!" Cat shouted, running after me

I wasn't in the mood to talk right now but I stopped anyway

"What?" I asked, turning to face her, trying not to cry

"Listen, I know that you should think that Jade doesn't feel anything for you because of the way she just acted but I know that you're wrong. She told me that she was feeling something for you but she didn't know what. She just needs time to make everything clear" she explained

"How can I be sure of that? I was just stupid to tell her that" I sighed

"No you were not! That's really a good thing, Jade would never do the first step" she said

She made a point!

"Don't you think Jade would have hit you or something if she didn't feel anything for you?" she resumed talking

"Yeah you're probably right" I sighed "What should I do then?"

"Just wait, she needs time and space, there's nothing you can do" she said

"Kay, can you bring me my sleeping bag? I don't wanna die during the night" I asked

"You're sure that you wanna sleep outside?"

"Yes, you just said she needs space so I'll give her" I explained

"Kay kay! Do you want me to sleep with you?" she asked

"No, I think she needs you! Go back to her, I'll be alright" I said

"Kay kay!"

She walked toward the tent and came back a few minutes later with two sleeping bags

"I told you that you don't need to sleep with me, Jade needs you" I sighed

"I know, I just want to give you my sleeping bag, it's pretty cold outside and I can sleep in Jade's" she explained, smiling all the time

"In that case, okay! Call me if anything happen or whatever"

"Good night Tor!" she said, walking back to the tent

"Night!" I shouted back

I found a good place and quickly fell asleep, dreaming, as always, about Jade

Jade's POV

Cat just came back in the tent after bringing Tori what she'll need to sleep the rest of the night outside

"Are you sure she'll be okay?" I asked, quite worried

"Yes, I gave her my sleeping bag and she took her phone" she reassured me

"Kay, thanks Cat"

I really appreciate that she accepts to give me space and time so that I can make everything clear

"I'm going to sleep, wake me up if there's anything you want to talk about or whatever" Cat told me

"Thanks" I simply answered

I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek before resuming thinking about all the things that happened tonight: at first she followed me in the forest to make sure I was safe and didn't try to lie when I asked her. I liked the simple fact of her arms around my neck and finally, she said that she loves me! It's pretty clear that I feel something for her too but I am unable to say what, I never felt that for someone before, even Beck! I need someone to help me

"Cat" I whispered, shaking her a little to wake her up (again) "Sorry to wake you up"

"Stop apologizing" she moaned, still half-asleep "What's up?" she asked, sitting up

"Well, I told you I was feeling something for Tori and this feeling is growing up but I really need someone to find out what it is" I explained shyly

"Okay so, when do you have that feeling?" she asked, completely awake

"Every time she smiles at me or touches me or even looks at me" I said

"Well Jade, I think it's pretty clear" she said "you love her"

"That cannot be that, I loved Beck but I never felt that" I exclaimed

"Are these feelings stronger than the one you had for Beck?" she asked

I thought about it before answering. That's right, the feelings I have for Tori are way stronger than everything I ever felt for Beck

"Yes, what does it mean?" I asked, beginning to panic

"I don't know" she sighed "but one thing is sure, you love Tori"

"What should I do then?"

"Do you want something with her?" she asked

"I don't know..." I sighed

"So you have to choose" she said "if you want something, just tell her the feelings you have and if you don't, let her know so that she could go over her own feelings"

"Thanks Cat" I whispered, hugging her

"Anytime" she whispered back

We laid back and quickly fell asleep in each other' arms

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