Chapter 16 : Jade's POV

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We finally managed to get back to the camp alive! At first, I didn't see anyone and thought that they must have leave to finally look for us but I quickly found out that I was completely wrong, they were just playing a stupid game in the boys' tent!

"Jadey! Tori!" Cat shouted when we made our way through the tent' entrance, pulling the both of us into a tight group hug "I was so worried you were lost into the wood"

"Really?" I asked, pulling back from the hug to see her nod "So why didn't you come to look for us?! We almost died in there!"

She looked around, as if she wanted to make sure no one could hear what she was about to say but of course, the tent was not a palace and everyone could hear so she took my hand and Tori's to lead us to our tent.

"Okay Cat what's the big deal?" Tori asked with a worried look

"First of all, I want you to know that nothing is my fault" she began with an ashamed face, lolling down at the floor

Oh my god... What did she do?

"What did you do?" Tori asked, as if she was reading my mind

"Promise me you won't be angry at me" she almost whispered, finally facing us

"Look Kitty Cat" I tried to reassure her "I'm sorry I reacted that way but why didn't any of you wait for us at the lake? Or even came to look for us when you arrived at the camp?" I asked as calmly as I could

"If I tell you, you promise you won't be mad?"

"I promise" I said, looking straight into her eyes to let her know that I meant it

Tori nodded in agreement

"Kay kay" she agreed "So Beck saw that Tori went after you at the lake and he became suspicious when neither of you came back so he went to investigate and he saw that you were crying and that Tori was holding you..."

That bastard... He's going to pay for that!

"Did he heard anything?" Tori asked

"No, he was too far away to hear what you were saying but when he came back he was really angry and he told us to leave immediately. I wanted to stay and wait for you to come back but he gripped my wrist and dragged me to the camp, telling me to shut up if I didn't want him to make me regret so I did what he said" she told us, looking ashamed again

"He is so going to regret that" I mumbled, making my way toward the exit of the tent to say a few words to the thing that used to be my boyfriend but I was stopped by someone gripping on my wrist. I turned around to see Tori looking at me worriedly

"Jade you can't do that" she said softly, pulling me toward her

"Why so?" I barked, trying to escape her grape "That son of a bitch spied on us, he told it to everyone and he kidnapped and threatened my best friend!"

"I know but hitting the shit out of him won't help anything"

"Who said I was planning on hitting him?"

"Jade" she warned "Believe me or not but I know you and when you are that angry you do things you often regret"

"She's right Jade" Cat interrupted "you should try to calm down a bit before going to see him"

"Let me go!" I barked, failing again to escape her

"No way" she said calmly but firmly, wrapping her arms around my waist to pull me into a hug

"That doesn't work with me Vega" I whispered into her ear, trying my best to resist the urge to wrap my arm around her as well

"Oh really?" she asked, not believing a word of what I just said

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