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I sat on the wires that would soon hold a mattress in my room, admiring my newly-painted room, I had sweeped and dusted until the room began to shine, the guys had a pile of old furniture behind the diner, from which I collected a dresser, a desk and a chair. All of which I painted white and spray-painted with color to give it more of a killjoy vibe. There was a killjoy spider which I sprayed on the ceiling.

I was waiting for the guys to get back from a raid so Red could take me to my old camp where I lived with my brother for the longest time.

When I heard the Trans-AM in the distance, I stood up and put my gun into its holster, walking out to the front steps. Fro, Blondie and Shortie got out and I replaced Shortie in the front seat.

"My camp was in zone 3, west quarter." my tone serious, I kept the hope in my mind that my brother would be there, that if he somehow did survive, then I know that he would have retreated to there.

"Sure thing, sweetheart" The smirk on his face quickly drove me to rage. I stood up out of my seat and pressed his shoulder against the seat at and angle to which he winced. "Don't call me sweetheart, I have no clue where this Mr. Nice guy act came from, but I can tell you that I sure as hell don't trust it." I slumped back into my seat and looked out the window, my head rested in my hand

"Geez, calm down. West quarter right?" "Yup." "Good." With that, he drove off.  And I kept my gaze on the horizon, letting myself get lost in my thoughts.

Why is he all of a sudden treating me like a normal person, why was I so willing to express my emotions to him, why was he so sentimental last night and now a cocky bitch. I decided to stop trying to answer impossible questions and look over to my left.

Red was holding his head in his hand, his elbow on the door. The windows were down and his hair blew his hair in the wind, as he held the bottom of the wheel with his right hand, the sunlight shining into his eyes which I realized were a beautiful shade of hazel, his expression showed that he was thinking hard about something, I had never before realized how attractive he was... what the fuck, brain! I can't let myself have feelings for anyone, besides it's the damn apocalypse.
I need to boycott love, not fall victim to it.

The silence got awkward very quickly, at least for me and I decided to break it. "Why do you do that?"
"What?" "You were a complete and utter asshole, then you were super sentimental and nice, and then you were an asshole again." "Im sorry, I'm just really stressed, Mik-Kobra got shot during our raid, I'm really sorry if you feel like I'm attacking you in any way, shape or form, I really wanted to be there to help stitch him up, but I'm stuck taking you to get your stuff, which I understand, I wouldn't want to have to live in that shitty bedroom without something of my own with me either." "Oh."

There was a moment of silence before Red leaned up a little bit up. "Music?" "Yeah"

He turned the knob on the radio.

My heart is on my sleeve, wear it like a bruise or black eye. My badge, my witness means that I believe every single lie you said.

"I know this song!" And I started to sing along.

'Cause every pane of glass that your pebbles tap negates the pains I went through to avoid you and every little pat on the shoulder for attention fails to mention I still hate you.

Red joined me with a smile.

But there's a light on in Chicago and I know I should be home. All the colors of the street signs, they remind me of the pick-up-truck out in front of your neighbor's house.

We continued to sing and smile, I began to forget the tragedy of the past few days and enjoy the wind in my hair, the music flooding my ears.

I soon recognized the old trailer half buried in dirt.

"That's it." I said turning down the radio and pointing to the truck. "You lived in that thing?" "It was home." "Well ok then...."

  We pulled up to the trailer and I stepped out of he car, feeling the heat from the desert sun envelope my skin. I walked up to the door on the side of the trailer, I tried to open it only to be met with the burn of the hot metal of the handle. I remembered that my gloves had been left in my old car. "Here, let me help you with that." Said Red, reaching for the handle. He had gloves, unlike me, which made a barrier between his hand and the hot metal of the handle.

He opened the door and let me in, being met by the the familiar scent of sun-baked leather and power pup.

I expected my usually tidy home which turned out to be a complete mess, drawers were pulled out, papers were on the floor, there were maps, books and shelves which had been knocked over. I stepped through the mass of chaos which had covered the floor and noticed the string necklace which held a piece of quartz, carefully shined and carved into the shape of a heart, my brother wore this, always had it on, never took it off. He died with it on, so how did it get here. It hung on a pin which had been stuck into the lacquer clad wood.

I picked it up and examined it. "What's that?" Red said. "A necklace. My mom found the rock and gave it to my brother when he was five. Never took it off, I have no clue how it got here, but it did." "That's a mystery for another day, was there stuff you needed to get, or should we go back to the diner?" "Right, stuff."

I picked up an old backpack that was laying on the floor and walked to the back of the trailer which held all my belongings, I stocked it full of spare clothes, batteries and my brother's old leather jacket.

I put on the jacket which's sleeves went just past my knuckles and slung the backpack over my right shoulder. When I heard the bone chillingly familiar sound of a motorcycle engine. I looked up through the window to see at least twenty one Drac

"Red, get down." I said walking out of the room and into the more open space. "Red? Oh! Red's me." And with that he got on the ground.

"Please don't call me Red." "Too late." "What exactly are we hiding from?" "Look up...."

"Holy shit."

A/N: I'm gonna be in Columbia visiting family for he next week so sorry about the future lack of updates... again.
Side note, I would really appreciate it if you guys would comment on what you think of how the story's going and if I should improve anything. Positive or negative, I love the feedback. 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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