:-:Chapter 1:-:

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S H O T S   F I R E D

Samara dried herself with her towel and applied cocoa butter lotion on her body

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Samara dried herself with her towel and applied cocoa butter lotion on her body. Once she had her undergarments on, she walks over to her vanity mirror and applied mascara and lip gloss. Her skin, youthful and healthy, didn't call for makeup. Though she wouldn't mind putting on false lashes because her eyelashes were practically non-existent. She unwraps her headscarf and smiles in satisfaction when she sees that her baby hair is laid.

She pulls her hair back into a low bun then cast her eyes over the lump in her bed under her sheets. She rolls her eyes and went over to her bed. She snatches the covers back and shook the sleeping man. The man's naked, smooth back was facing her as he groans into the pillow. "Give me like seven minutes," he grumbles.

Samara scoffs and rolls her eyes again. "That's all the time you have to get up and out of my house." She paused as she tries to think of the man's name. Sighing, she walks over to her closet and pulls out her dark blue scrubs. The man slowly raised his head to look around the unfamiliar environment, the events of last night suddenly flooding his mind. He sat up against the headboard and glanced over at the woman getting dressed.

She bends down and picks up the man's boxers and threw them at him. Surprised, the man caught it and stares at her. "Damn, ma. It's like that?"

Samara slides in her breathable Nike shoes. "Five minutes," she simply announces to her One-Night Stand before exiting the room. The man stares at her retreating back with confused brown eyes. He was dumbfounded. Usually, he's the one to kick the girls out of his house or sneak out before they woke up. So now that the roles were reversed, he couldn't help but feel a certain way. He blames this slip-up on Samara because as soon as she finished laying the pussy on him, he went straight to sleep.

He chuckles and shook his head. Finally, he got dressed and made his way into the living room. Samara sat on a stool on the island with a bowl of cereal in front of her. Her face was glued to her cell phone as she stiffly ate her Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She seems so indulged in the device in her hands, the man thought that she hadn't noticed him. He opens his mouth to say something but Samara beats him to it.

"You're over your time by 3 minutes." She finally looks up at him. Stumped, the man didn't know what to say. He's never been in a situation like this before. As he stared at the beautiful woman on the stool, he couldn't help but think that this must be the norm for her. She didn't have pictures of herself or of any family in her modern-but-lonely apartment.

He chuckles nervously and brought his hand up to scratch his head. Samara hasn't moved from her spot, nor has her stare let up. She wasn't smiling but she wasn't glaring either, she was just staring at the man—hoping he'd get her message and leave. She had a bored expression on her face as she arched her eyebrow.

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