:-:Chapter 13:-:-

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"LOOK after your sister for me, okay?" He instructs the seven-year-old

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"LOOK after your sister for me, okay?" He instructs the seven-year-old. "I'll be right back." Andre was hesitant to leave the little girl alone with the toddler, but he figured he'd only take a minute. Giving them one last look, he quickly dashes out of the bathroom and down the hall.

Andre speedily searched for his baby girl's favorite rubber ducky. He finally spots the duck on the shelf and reached up to grab it, knocking down all the other contents next to it. "Seriously?" he groans looking at the baby powder that was spilled on the floor. He quickly rubs it to blend it in with the cream carpet and it almost worked. A ping sounded from his back pocket and he checks his phone. Instantly, his good mood diminished. With a sigh, he unlocks his phone and dials a number.

"Look, Sannie!" The toddler in the bathtub exclaims to her big sister. "Bubbas!" She held out her tiny hands full of bath bubbles. Opposite from her sister, the seven-year-old was not as ecstatic.

"Now, you look!" the little girl says pointing into the soapy water

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"Now, you look!" the little girl says pointing into the soapy water. The toddler looks down, and unexpectantly, the little girl grabs the back of her head and shoved it into the bathwater. Gurgling, the toddler fought to bring her head up to the surface but all of her struggling causes her to slip further in, gliding on her stomach and busting her lip in the process. The little girl struggled to keep her little sister underwater. 

The little sister she never wanted.

She couldn't understand why her parents were so infatuated with her baby sister. Not that Sansannah was their favorite anyway. She's heard multiple times from her mother that she was the Devil's Child. As Sansannah kept her sister's head underwater, a voice in the back of her mind told her to stop. She glanced down at the toddler and she immediately loosens her grip. Blinking, she stares down at her thrashing sister, but before she could pull her up to allow her to breathe, Andre came storming in.

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