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Why can we not be the same
I am are all not insane
But I am in pain
All the time
From bullies
They are the most clueless people
You will ever see
They try to be bring you down
Each round you will try to get up
But you
So you sail away
In your fantasy world
Bullies are like cyanide
They are poison and
We dont have a potion
Bullies are
Slowly killing you
They always have a thrill
Bullying me
But I have had enough
I can not toughen up
They have won the battle
But you can stand back up
We all can srand up to bullies
They are just people who are insecure
In fear of themselves
We are superior to them in every way
They are to be ignored

This is a pom from me because I am being bullied because of my learning disabilities. I hope you enjoy! -educat_cash

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